How Ronaldo Got 30M Subs In 2 Days

and what this means for you

How Ronaldo Got 30M Subs In 2 Days

and what this means for you

Read time: 5 minutes


Overnight Success? Not Quite…

Picture this.

You finally launch your YouTube channel.

Within one hour and 29 minutes you’ve hit a million subs, smashed the world record and your golden plaque is already in the post. 

Two days later, you wake up to find you’ve just toppled 30 million subscribers.

Impossible, right?

Not for Cristiano Ronaldo it isn’t.

  • No tricks

  • No fancy ads

  • No gimmicks

Just an online personality so strong he literally popped a Youtube link in his Instagram bio and boom. 30 million subscribers.

Now that’s what you call leverage!

But before you turn away and say, “Yeah, yeah, but I’m no Ronaldo,” Stop.

You don’t need to be a global superstar to harness the same principles that launched CR7 into the stratosphere.

If you’re tired of being overlooked, of screaming into the void while the Goliaths hog the spotlight—then keep reading.

Here’s the hard truth: if you don’t have an audience yet, it’s because somewhere down the line, you’ve chosen to remain unseen.

But that can all change today.

No more cold calls. No more begging for attention.

By the time you’ve chosen one of the paths outlined at the end of this newsletter, you’ll start to notice your personal brand doing the heavy lifting for you.

And you won’t need to chase recognition.

It will chase you.

The Harsh Truth About Branding

Let me ask you: When Ronaldo decided to pivot to YouTube, was he biting his nails, crossing his fingers, hoping for a lucky break?

Did he just toss up a logo, write a bio, and pray the world would care? 

You know he didn’t.

He simply moved, and the world followed.

Because he wasn’t gambling on luck.

He was cashing in on 22 years of blood, sweat, and a relentless drive to become the world's best-ever soccer player. Both on and off the pitch.

Now, listen closely, because this is where your underdog’s anthem could begin to play.

Personal branding isn’t some hollow vanity project, some flimsy game of appearances where you sit back and wish the right people notice.

It’s hard work - with no immediate reward.

Imagine pushing a stationary train that takes every ounce of effort to move forward even an inch. But when that train picks up momentum it will open up doors you never knew possible.

When you really step into the arena, the world won’t just see it.

They’ll feel it.

Now, let me show you how.

Stop Consuming. Start Creating.

Legends aren’t born - they’re built.

Brick by brick, inch by inch, story by story.

You’re scrolling through your Instagram right now, staring at your 200 followers, wondering how to climb this insurmountable mountain.

You’re sending LinkedIn messages into the abyss.

Your website traffic is flatter than the Dead Sea.

You’re cold-calling like it’s 1995, praying someone answers.

And then what happens? 

You get ghosted. 

Ignored. Deleted. Your name falls into the same digital graveyard as a million others.

Sound familiar?

That’s the Goliath we face—the crushing weight of anonymity.

And let me be real with you: if you don’t build a personal brand, you’re basically invisible. You’re just another drop in the ocean, another name that never gets remembered.

Unless you want to live in the shadows that is.

But this Newsletter is for those who do not.

Think about it.

Why does Cristiano Ronaldo land multi-million-dollar deals with Nike, Herbalife, and countless other brands? 

Is it just because he’s good at football? 


There are hundreds of world-class athletes who fail to capitalize on their on field success. 

The difference is Ronaldo spent the time investing in his personal brand online so every goal he scores, every headline he writes and every record he breaks is amplified 1,000,000,000 times.

That’s right, Ronaldo also just hit 1 BILLION FOLLOWERS across all his social channels. Legendary.

But here’s what most don’t know.

That amplification also includes the beady eyes of huge corporations that swirl with hungry eyes at the chance to be affiliated with the champ.

However, you don’t need 1 billion followers to be noticed.

In fact, I know many creators who have just a few thousand loyal fans who make millions online.

And even though they might not win golden balls, lift trophies or be stopped by every second person on the street, they do have one thing in common with Cristiano Ronaldo.

They all started from 0. 

With absolutely no guarantee of success.

  • If you don’t start

  • If you don’t roll the dice

  • If you keep making excuses of why noone will listen

Well, guess what?

That’s exactly what will continue to happen.

100% success rate. Of Failure.

And yes, the best time to start building your brand online probably was 10 years ago.

But the second best time is now.

So if you are ready to finally take the plunge, here are your two paths to victory:

It’s Time to Choose

Path 1: Become The Master

Ronaldo wasn’t born with millions of followers. He earned them through decades of perfecting his craft on and off the pitch. 

When you’re the best at what you do, people don’t need to be convinced.

They follow. They watch. They listen.

You want that kind of magnetism? Then master your craft.

And yes, it’s gonna take time.

Whether you’re a writer, an entrepreneur, a coach, or an artist—commit.

Become so GOD DAMN good that you cannot be ignored. Otherwise known as ‘Too good to fail’.

And there’s only one way: Working relentlessly in the dark knowing one day, you will eventually bring greatness into the light. 

But most importantly, share the journey now.

Show your failures, your struggles, your triumphs.

The world is not drawn to perfection—it’s drawn to real. People love a good underdog story.

Be raw, be unfiltered, be unapologetically yourself.

In time people will tune in to watch your story unfold.

At David to Goliath, we call this path: ‘The Undeniable’.

And if you can’t stomach that, there’s a second option:

Path 2: Leverage Other People’s Stories

Maybe you’ve just started climbing. Maybe mastery feels a lifetime away.

That’s fine.

You can start building today by tapping into the stories of others.

You don’t need to be the champion to interview the champion.

You don’t need millions of followers to dissect what the greats are doing.

Write about it. Break it down. Share their success, their lessons.

Become the voice that offers insight into the stories people care about.

In time, your audience will grow—and when they do, they’ll want to hear your story.

Look at Sam Parr, founder of The Hustle. He didn’t start with fame. He built his empire by leveraging others’ stories, by offering value until his own voice became impossible to ignored (2 million subscribers on his Newsletter the time he sold to HubSpot!).

So here’s your blueprint.

Two paths.

One destination.

Whether you choose to become a master at your craft or leverage the stories of others, the important thing is you start today.

Your future self will thank you for taking action.

And that is the only person you have to answer to.

Now, the choice is yours.

The only question now is—are you ready to start the journey?

If so, hit the reply button and let’s have a conversation.

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. If you wanna check out how I’m putting the above into action and building my personal brand on LinkedIn connect with me Here