Week 35: I found the secret to Winning

you’re not gonna like it

Week 35: I found the secret to Winning

The Comeback - Week 35

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You’re not winning in life right now but that’s fine.

Because at some point in the future, it’ll all become clear.

You fantasize about the day when you’ve got everything you’ve always wanted.

The business, 

The cars, 

The house, 

The fame,

The partner, 

The body.

A life where finally after all this time you are the REAL you.

The one you always knew you could be.

Sound familiar?

If only you knew the secret.

The one hack that could unlock all the doors.

The big defining moment that will light a fire up your ass and thrust you into action.

That’s why you opened this email after all.


Well, I’ve got news: Good and bad.

Yes, I will let you in on the secret to winning. 

But let me warn you: It’s not pretty. 

In fact, it’s darn right nasty.

It’s a secret you’ve been avoiding for way too long.

And it’s one that took me way too many years to terms with (I still struggle).

So hopefully by reading this I can save you a whole lot of time and set you free.

Because I do in fact really want you to win.

You and me both.

Today on David to Goliath:

The Secret to Winning:

It took me 32 years to realize most people don’t actually want to win.

They say they do. That’s the problem.

They mask it in a disguise, of lies.

But their actions always reveal the truth. 

  • “I’m going to start that podcast next month”

  • “I’m going to quit and start that new business”

  • “I’m going to start working out properly next month”

Next month rolls around. Nothing. 

Just a long list of infinite excuses.

How do I know this to be true? 

Because that’s exactly what I used to do.

And still do - way too often.

I lie to myself. 

I live in a delusion where I put things off whilst keeping myself busy, fantasizing about how life could be when things finally change. 

Just typing that out is extremely embarrassing.  

It makes me feel ashamed.

But it’s necessary. 

Because deep down I know I am a winner.  

And I’m sure you know you are too. 

It’s good to be honest. Self-awareness is only for the strong among us. 

The next step is accepting that if you don’t make it happen it will NOT happen. 

Your actions MUST match your ambitions. 

That’s the secret to winning.

Unfortunately, there are no hacks. 

But there is hope. 

As long as you have a heart that beats and lungs that work you have a fighting chance. 

It can start small. Simple steps.

Getting in the gym for one hard workout.

Going to bed on time and waking up early. 

In fact, you already know what you need to do. 

I don’t need to give you a 25 step process to start winning in life. 

Reeling off a list of clever productivity hacks or fancy morning routines? 

F*ck that. 

No. The power is within.  

It’s just a matter of flicking the switch in your brain. 

And when you stick at it for a few weeks, a few months, a few years, you’ll know. Trust me. 

Because you’ll stand out from the crowd. 

Friends will tell you that you’ve changed. 

They might also say: 

  • “You’re selfish”

  • “You’re a weirdo”

  • “You’re a narcissist”

This justifies their position. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. 

By daring to be great, by winning, you’ll dig up their deepest insecurities. 

You’ll be the ugly mirror of truth they don’t want to be reminded of.

And right now if you’re honest that mirror might well be reflecting right back at you. 

If you’re the kind of person who looks at someone else’s success and thinks: 

  • “They just got lucky”

  • “They only got that because of X, Y, Z”

  • “I’m way too far behind to catch up” 

Well, you’re deep in the illusion my friend. 

And the only way out is through. 

  • That nasty task you’ve been putting off forever.

  • That hard conversation you need to have.

  • That tough decision you need to make.

Do that. 

Override your emotion, bite down on the gumshield and defeat it like a Champion. 

That’s winning. 

We don’t do our best. 

We do what’s required.

And by the end of this year instead of wishing you were the person you’ve always wanted to be you can just be that person. 

It’s really that simple. 

Remember: Life is short. The time is not next month. 

Break the illusion today. Start winning. 

I know you’ve already got what it takes. 

Now, it’s time to show it to yourself.

And a big thank you to our editor Dan for making me look absolutely JACKED (I seriously need to get to the gym lol).

That’s marketing though, right?!

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: Work with me 1-1 to Scale Your Marketing Agency

#2:Prefer listening instead of reading? Listen to the Exclusive David to Goliath Podcast Here

#3:Follow me on LinkedIn. Everyday I post stories, frameworks and mindset tips on our charge to 100,000 subscribers