Wk10 (10.5k subs): How to deal with Haters

What going viral on Reddit taught me about the harsh realities of pursuing your dreams

The Comeback - Week 10

How do Deal With Haters

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Loath them or love them, they exist.

Like vultures circling the sky, scanning the plains with their beady eyes, to find the next rotting carcass they can feed on.

Crippled by their deep insecurities and eagerly waiting for that next bold individual they can project their self doubts onto, instead of facing their mirror of truth.

Last Sunday I became their next target.

I woke up to find I’d gone viral on the LinkedIn Lunatics subreddit.

As I stepped out to share one of my most vulnerable posts on LinkedIn they pounced.

Hundreds upon hundreds of hate filled comments raining down like a swarm of locusts from the sky trying to drown out my truth.

It was a real test of character.

A moment of self reflection.

A reminder that without darkness there is no light.

And the more you stand up for what you believe and try to do something great, the more you will shine a light on those who are not.

Which led me to a profound question.

Is what you’re sacrificing for really worth it?

Is it worth being greeted with a never ending line of naysayers who try to drag you back into the darkness?

That is exactly what we’ll be exploring today.

And exactly how you can overcome the hate, stamp out the voice of the victim and move into a place of constant empowerment.

At David to Goliath, we’re not here to make up the numbers.

We’re here to stand up and be counted for.

So get ready because in a society that celebrates comfort, and promotes conformity, I aim to give you a roadmap to the promised land.

Being bold.

Being yourself.

Daring to be great no matter what the haters say.

Today on David to Goliath:

  1. Behind the Scenes

    • Subscriber Growth: Update

    • Bringing Darkness Into the Light

    • Challenges: The Beehiiv Shutdown

    • Breakthrough: Balkan Ecommerce

  2. Main Topic: How to Deal with Haters

  3. Mindset: The Price of Greatness

  4. Resource Rec: Never Finished - David Goggins

Road to 100,000: Behind the Scenes

Subscriber Growth

With the events that we’re about to discover, last weeks growth was slower than usual. But with March now here and the sunshine of spring in our step, we’re ready to go again and step up to the plate.

10.5k subs 10 weeks in and we’re shooting for 20,000 by end of this month.

I admit, it’s a tall order but I know what we signed up for.

Bringing Darkness Into the Light

This week hit differently. 

The 6 am run.

The foundation for everything at David to Goliath.

Back in November when I was at my lowest point ever me and my mate Dan made a pact that 3 days a week we’d run a 5k.

No matter wind, rain or shine.

This week wasn't about the miles or the pace; it was the glimpse of dawn breaking through the darkness.

All those mornings running in the dark through the deep depths of the British winter.

For the latter half of our run, the sun now pierces through.

It's a symbol that the David to Goliath is built upon.

A symbol of working in the dark and bringing greatness into the light.  

As the spring dawns upon us, and the promise of summer looms, our morning runs will become ever more meaningful.

Through icy winds and pounding rain, me and Dan have pushed each other forward, day by day.

Yet, deep within, I can't shake the feeling that I'll yearn for those runs in the dark. 

There was something inexplicably special about it. A catharsis in the cold air, a camaraderie forged in the silence. 

Those crisp mornings were about pushing through mental barriers. 

They became the heartbeat beneath the first few newsletters we accumulated. A memoir of where it all began.

It gave us that underlying drive – the kind that propels you to do things you always dreamed about.

So here's to the sunrise breaking through, not just in the sky but in our stories.

To finding beauty in the struggle, embracing the pain, and knowing that every step in the dark is a step closer to greatness entering the light.

Yes, we have a long way to go with David to Goliath, but we’re on our way.

We're not sipping tea in the calm; we're riding the lightning, making life an adrenaline-pumping adventure.

It’s biblical.

And when was the last time someone got to the end of their life and said, "I wish my story was less epic"?

No one ever once said that.

Yet, some folks are out there playing it safe, avoiding risks like the plague.

The future belongs to those who are willing to dare and endure.

I recently went on the Underdog Podcast, and Pamela Bardhi, the host, was saying how inspirational she thinks the newsletter is.

That meant a lot coming from a 9 figure real estate mogul.

She told me there’s no doubt in her mind we're blowing past this 100,000 subscriber goal in 2024.

Look: We're not here to play small; we're here to disrupt, to make a mark.

To show others, yes, we’re struggling but instead of wallowing in our self pity here’s exactly what we’re doing about it.

Slowly but surely, turning that pain into monumental impact.

The light is getting brighter, and the story is being written day by day.

So my message to you is: Stay wild, stay hungry, and make your journey one for the history books.

As Churchill said: “History will be kind to me, as I intend to write it”.

The world awaits your story.

Make it one they’ll never forget.

Challenges - The Beehiiv shutdown

Picture this:

50 hours poured into every David to Goliath newsletter. 18 sent thus far. 

All the content hosted in the software Beehiiv, and you’re about to hit the 10k subscriber mark.

Everything you’re living for riding on this one moment.

You log in with anticipation, a heartbeat away from the momentous revelation.

Then you’re greeted with this message: 


Terror. Utter panic. Hopelessness.

I was nearly having a heart attack.

Shockwaves of fear surged through me. Over 500 hours of sweat, tears, and relentless dedication, hanging in the balance. 

No contingency plan. No safety net. No plan B.

In a frantic scramble, I turned to LinkedIn, fingers trembling as I searched for every single customer support agent at Beehiiv. 

I messaged them all with the subject line: “URGENT, HELP NOW!” 

The director of customer support waltzes in like a superhero.

Just as I’m about to have a full on panic attack, the account comes back. 

“Bloody hell!”. The sense of relief was ridiculous.

I am grateful for Beehiiv but to be honest, the idea that one platform has control of all your data and can turn you off at a click of a button was frightening.

Newsletters and email lists are meant to be a medium where you have full control, unlike the 3rd party giants that own your social media accounts.

But it certainly didn’t feel like it at that moment.

David to Goliath is my backbone. It’s everything. It’s what brought me back from the canvas of death.

However, the vulnerability of surrendering my movement to another platform shook me to my core.

It made me think that long term I may have to build a different infrastructure.

Succumbing to the whims of a platform is not an option.  

It turned out to be a glitch in their system.

The journey from near suicide to 100k subscribers is too impactful to be jeopardized by a technical glitch.

I’ve connected with their customer support guys now – they’re in on the journey too (welcome friends).

But this was a reality check, a reminder that our journey isn’t for the faint-hearted.

It's messy and unpredictable, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

The essence of David to Goliath resonates louder than ever.

Amidst the chaos, we keep climbing.

We keep taking action, facing setback after setback and just figuring things out as we go.

Although, it’s also a reminder that better planning is needed to ensure we put the fate of this movement in our hands.

Break-throughs – Balkan E-commerce

Back in December, Dan and I were just two dreamers in a free library podcast studio.

Now, we've been invited to grace the stage at Balkan E-commerce in Sofia, where I’ll be talking to a thunderous crowd of 3000 come April.

It feels like leaping from a puddle into the ocean. David to Goliath is going global.

I'm gearing up to whip the crowd into a frenzy.

Chants of "underdog" echoing like a war cry—it's going to be wild.

(yes, this is a look inside my crazy imagination)

I've only spoken in front of 300 people before, so multiply that by ten. We’ve got a colossal event on our hands.

We might even take our podcast live to Bulgaria so stay tuned!

For the performance itself, picture this: a piano, Dan under the spotlight, and me bursting onto the scene.

A room anticipating a talk on personal branding, only to be hit with one of the biggest underdog stories of the 21st century. 

We’ve even toyed with the idea of me wearing a Batman costume, and swinging out on a rope (don’t tell the host!).

This is a stepping stone to the next stage.

We’re just getting started.

But I say all this to show you what’s possible.

Using unwavering conviction and self belief as your sling, forcing your message out there until that Boomerang swings back.

Main Topic: Haters

Last week I put out this post on LinkedIn.

What I left out, out of respect, was how that woman betrayed me.

Simon Sinek defined love best: “Giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting they won't use it”.

That’s exactly what I did and destruction came bitterly close.

But look, it was a 2 sided affair. I certainly wasn’t the good samaritan here. 

In the post, I was trying to be honest. Trying to show people I’d made a mistake so others could learn from my failures.

This woman was my rock, my support system, but deep down I couldn't see a future with her. And when the cracks began to show, instead of facing it head-on, I avoided those hard conversations.

The repercussions were brutal – a relationship shattered, a person broken, and a cascade of consequences I never foresaw.

I chose to share my story not to seek sympathy but to, through being vulnerable, illuminate powerful lessons I’ve learned to help others.

I believe that by sharing our vulnerabilities, we pave the way for growth and understanding.

Life is a series of connections, and when we're not honest, we set ourselves up for failure, whether in romantic relationships, friendships, or partnerships.

I intended to show the world the transformative power of honesty.

If you’re not honest, it leads to resentment. This is what leads to so many relationships breaking down and I know many men who have resorted to cheating on their wives.

Many feel this. But most can’t be brutally honest.

Little did I anticipate the storm that would follow

A Reddit thread went viral on the 'LinkedIn Lunatics' subreddit.

Erupted with hundreds of hate filled comments, each one hurling stones of criticism, labelling me everything under the sun from a sociopath to a vanity-chasing lunatic.

I find it intriguing that the criticism came not on the platform where I posted, but from the shadows of anonymity on Reddit.

It's easy to sit behind a fake profile with no picture and throw stones.

Putting yourself out there, not so easy.

What does Peanut 65 look like when he’s calling me ugly? Is he on a mission to help other people?

What’s Ruthless Chubz doing with his life when he’s calling me a douchebag? 

Where does Lord Jamie have to be in life to tell me I stink of shit?

Nearly all of the posts on the LinkedIn lunatics subreddit are about people trying to better themselves – why do you think that is?

Maybe because it's easier for users like Scrotanimus_66 to create illusions in his/her mind than to face the harsh realities of their own life. 

It's a tale as old as time — those who criticize you behind your back lack the courage to say it to your face.

I genuinely hope these people can go on to achieve something with their lives.

I’m talking about this today because it’s something you’ve got to be prepared for when you’re charging towards the top 1%.

The brighter the light, the darker the shadows it casts. 

When our voices rise to challenge the status quo, we find ourselves walking the path of resistance.

We are not shielded from the venomous arrows of hatred.

We are not shielded from the ‘kings of the internet’.

At some point, you have to deal with all kinds of hate.

Remember – It’s a reflection of your impact.

Your stance is being felt, your existence is causing ripples in the waters of conformity. 

Those who hurl insults from the shadows are, in essence, lost souls craving attention.

They dwell in the dark corners of forums, and behind the cloak of anonymity, they lash out.

Their comments are the last gasps of a feeble intellect desperately gasping for relevance.

Our very existence, unapologetic and resolute, becomes a mirror that exposes the cracks in their armour of insecurity. 

In attacking us, they attempt to drown out the echoes of doubt that reverberate within their minds.

But as Davids becoming Goliaths little do they know, it makes us stronger.

Like mosquitoes at a barbecue, they buzz around, but they’re ultimately inconsequential.

And featuring on such a big Reddit thread helped me gain a ton of free exposure. I had loads of profile visits and new followers added on LinkedIn.

So thank you!

Remember: Criticism is one of the currencies of success.

But as Theodore Roosevelt said in his Citizen in a Republic speech in Paris on April 23, 1910, it’s not the critic who counts.

It’s the man or woman who’s actually in the arena that gets the credit.

So live your life in a worthy cause.

Dare to be great.

And never, ever, rest with those cold timid souls who neither know the taste of victory nor defeat.

Mindset - The Price of Greatness

As you stand strong for what you believe in, the echoes of criticism, jealousy, and scepticism become louder.

So, how do I react when people call me an ugly b**tard in an online forum?

It’s a choice and I choose that it fuels me.

I use it as gasoline to keep pushing more, keep growing, and keep inspiring.

In the end, it's not about what they call you; it's about how you answer.

The power is all within.

For me, this Reddit thread isn’t the first taste of hate.

As the odd one out, I’ve been battling with it all my life.

It all started back in school.

I battled severe eczema, a relentless skin condition. It made me an easy target.

Showering among peers after sport became a battleground where I faced a torrent of abusive comments.

They laughed and told me: “I’d never amount to anything in life”, “I’d never get any women” and because of the dryness of my skin they labelled me: “Krusty the Clown”.

That hate has driven me to where I am today. It forged the steel in my spine.

I've harnessed that negative energy and transformed it into a powerful force for good.

Now after letting it fuel my own personal transformation, I’m using it to create a movement with David to Goliath to help others stand tall.

To just be their true selves, no matter what anyone says.

In a world that's increasingly lonely, where more people are succumbing to the darkness, we need more leaders to stand up and own their sh*t.

With all this new age crap that’s fuelled into our society, people are so scared now to talk about what they believe in.

I’m just going to go ahead and say it: The world has become too soft. 

Modern ideologies and the fear they instil have muzzled the voices that should roar, yet history tells a different story.

If we look back through time, Nelson Mandela, Mohammad Ali (put in prison for his skin colour), and people who moved the world forward, all stood up for what they believed in. 

They had a mission. And yes they were all called crazy to begin with.

It’s hard to imagine the sheer amount of hate and toxicity they had to overcome.

But they kept moving forward because they believed in their purpose.

So find motivation in the echoes of those who came before us — the trailblazers, the revolutionaries.

Their stories are etched in history not because they succumbed to hate, but because they rose above it, using it as fuel for the fire that burned within.

Is what you believe in worth sacrificing for? 

That’s the big question.

For me, it is.

I’m willing to take all of this hate and much more. 

The price of greatness is responsibility – I’m soaking this up for everyone else who deserves a second chance and needs to break barriers.

If what you’re getting hate for is worth it, then keep going. That’s why doing things just for money is never worth it. You will burn out. 

You need to dig deep and find your purpose.

When the inbox is filled with venom, read each message as a badge of honour.

Hate may be loud, but the resonance of truth is eternal.

Stand firm, stand proud, and let your beliefs drown out the cacophony of hatred. 

While they keep drowning in the shallow waters of their own ignorance.

Remember, they’re just wounded souls grappling with their own insecurities.

Let the hate serve as a ringing endorsement of your impact.

And when you find yourself standing in the spotlight, seeing the impact of your sacrifice, remember those who doubted you, those who mocked you, those who tried to tear you down.

But don’t stoop to their level. Let your results do the talking. 

Shift your perspective from victimhood to empowerment.

Think about all the people who desperately need your help. 

Kill that voice of the victim which right now is taking the lives of too many.

Instead, empower the voice of the champion.

Because it’s always better to have haters than not stand up for what you truly believe in.

And that my friend, is the price of greatness.

Resource Rec – Never Finished: David Goggins

Someone who is no stranger to hate is David Goggins.

His content is inspirational.

He fought through poverty, prejudice, obesity, and numerous physical challenges to create his impact and achieve his goals.

  • Former navy seal who went through hell week 3 times

  • Ultra-marathon runner 

  • Motivational speaker

This guy is full of life wisdom built in the depths of hell. 

Imagine enduring Hell Week, the crucible of SEAL training, not once, but three times. It defies logic and challenges the very essence of human limitations. 

He just doesn’t stop.

Running marathons with broken knee caps. 

He doesn't do all of this to experience physical pain; it’s about callusing the mind.

Showcasing the extraordinary power that lies within when one refuses to yield.

Goggins’ ethos, famously called the "40% Rule", tells us that when our minds are saying we’re done, we're only 40% done. We still have 60% to go.

It’s about digging deeper, pushing harder, and going that extra mile when others give up.

Comfort, in Goggins’ eyes, is the enemy of growth.

He challenges us to look inwards, to confront our weaknesses, and to transform them into pillars of strength. 

But he doesn't just preach; he lives it, embodying the principles he advocates with every breath, every step, and every beat of his heart. 

In "NEVER FINISHED," Goggins invites you into his Mental Lab, a realm where he crafted the very foundations of his mindset.

This gripping memoir unveils the philosophy, psychology, and strategies that propelled him beyond perceived limits, emphasizing that our boundaries are just the starting line on the path to greatness. 

Through raw, revealing narratives and unflinching honesty, he provides a blueprint for readers to ascend from the depths of adversity to unprecedented heights.

It’s a manual for maximizing untapped potential and a catalyst for shattering self-imposed limitations. 

For anyone seeking a relentless pursuit of personal excellence, this book will completely reshape your trajectory.

Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered.

And for my fellow Reddit friends over on the LinkedIn Launatics thread, this is a call to action to face your demons, stop pulling down others who are daring to be great and build something you too can be proud of.

David to Goliath Action Items:

1) Beginning In the Dark: When I was in my darkest moments with suicidal thoughts last year all I wanted to do was stay in bed and cry myself to sleep. Getting out on the road at 6AM in the morning to run a 5k took all my mental strength. But the journey of 1,000 miles always starts with one single step. So forget being perfect in the dark and just start. Otherwise, the light of tomorrow will never ever shine upon you. Once you begin, it gets easier, trust me.

2) Expect the Unexpected: When you’re moving fast towards a big goal like I am on the march to 100,000 subscribers in one calendar year, things will break. For a moment there I thought the world was ending when Beehiiv had locked my account but we made it through. Each blow you don’t see coming is an opportunity to grow stronger, to be more prepared, and mould you into the champion to clinch those trophies for your mantlepiece. As long as you never give up, you will figure it out. Expect the unexpected but don’t be afraid. Just keep moving.

3) Let Hate Fuel You: Without darkness, there is no light. For every one person you inspire by being bold, there will be another who will be eagerly waiting to thrust their insecurities onto you as you trigger their uncomfortable truths. At this point you have a choice: Be pulled back into the shadows, the cesspit of comfort and mediocrity. Or let the haters further fuel you and move into a place of empowerment, stopping at nothing to push your purpose into the light.

4) Question Your Sacrifice: The price of greatness is responsibility but your message will at some point cross swords with those who want to bring you down. To fight through, your purpose must be strong. Ask yourself if what are you sacrificing for is worth it. Just doing it for the money certainly won’t be enough.

5) Outwork Your Self Doubt: David Goggins is a living testament to the fact the real battle is all in the mind. If he can come back from nothing to go through 3 hell weeks with broken legs what excuse do we have? It’s empowering because even if you believe right now you’re nothing special he proves that with consistent action you can rewire your brain to forge your new identity. Tipping the scales with case study after case study, destroying the voice of the victim and leaving no other option than your champion to emerge from the shadows.

And that my friends is a wrap.

To everyone who’s joined the David to Goliath movement so far: Thank you.

Together, we’re showing others that no matter what pain you’re going through in life right now, you can bring darkness into the light.

But instead of sitting around hoping for better days, you must take responsibility for your future.

You must take action.

From me, Dan, and the spring sunshine from our 6 AM runs, our message is simple:

Keep dreaming like a Giant.

But fight and believe in your dreams like a God damn Underdog baby!

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. Ready to turn your life around?

Here are 5 resources to get you ahead: