Wk11 (12.7k subs): The World Has Gone Soft

The harsh truth behind therapy, depression and todays soft society

The World Has Gone Soft

The Comeback - Week 11 (12,700 Subs):

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Sat in WeWork late on Wednesday I was staring at my gargantuan to-do list.

As a tidal wave of anxiety took hold I opened up a Google doc and typed out the following:

Talking about the work isn’t doing the work.

Planning the work isn’t doing the work.

Scrolling social media isn’t doing the work.

Feeling sorry for yourself isn’t doing the work.

Messaging your team about the work isn’t doing the work.

Eating out with family and friends isn’t doing the work.

Watching TV isn’t doing the work.

Lying in bed isn’t doing the work.

Dreaming of a better future isn’t doing the work.

Meditating isn’t doing the work.

Listening to your favourite songs isn’t doing the work, nor is reading educational books.

Taking cold showers isn’t doing the work, nor is optimising your morning routine.

Setting up that perfect environment you’ve always wanted isn’t doing the work.

Searching for that new hack isn’t doing the work.

Doing podcasts about the work isn’t doing the work.

Only doing the work is doing the work. 

That’s the secret.

The unlock.

The path out of the struggle, to the life you always wanted. 

No one is coming to save you. No one is gonna take you from David to Goliath.

That’s on you.

Just 6 months ago I was in excruciating pain – what got me out of that wasn’t crying myself to sleep and blaming others. I tried that - it got me nowhere.

What worked was looking in the mirror and having hard conversations.

Then making a plan and taking relentless action towards it.

That was my therapy.

Taking responsibility for my situation, and the mess I found myself in.

Look: Hard times make hard people.

That makes soft times and soft people.

So many people are thinking this right now but no one is willing to say it.

They’re more afraid of being called a racist, or extreme, and being shut down.

But after staring death in the face and contemplating suicide I don’t care.

I just care about helping people. I want to leave this world in a better place than I found it. I want to give people purpose and tell them what it truly takes to live the life they’ve always wanted.

The truth is the world has gone too soft.

We need more leaders to stand up and say: “Yes, I’m struggling but here’s what I’m doing about it”.

“Here’s my plan of action”.

And that’s exactly what David to Goliath is all about.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows - it’s a cold hard dose of the truth.

The truth that will actually help build the life you want.

So if like me you’re sick and tired of your current situation, you’re sick and tired of everyone complaining and feeling sorry for themselves, today’s Newsletter is for you.

Today on David to Goliath:

(each section is hyperlinked if you’re short on time!)

Road to 100,000: Behind the Scenes

Subscriber Growth - 12,700 Subs

After sharing the Untold Rise of Leila Hormozi last week and promoting it on LinkedIn we had a surge in growth.

I’ll talk more about that exact moment next week because it was extremely emotional for me and Dan.

But right now we’re on 12,700 subscribers so the 20k goal for this month is getting closer and closer.

A quick moment of celebration but now it’s back to work. Complacency is the enemy and we need to fight it by going twice as hard.

This is just the beginning.


On the David to Goliath mission, I find myself amidst a colossal sea of challenges, each wave testing my resilience, focus and fortitude.

  1. Refining the ICP

  2. Producing content that impacts

  3. Extending reach

  4. Securing financial stability

  5. Overcoming technology failures, email delivery inconsistencies and algorithm updates

  6. Ongoing partnership negotiations and strategy amendments. 

The list goes on and on. 

Like stepping out of the trenches and blindly stumbling across No Man's Land.

The path is shrouded in mystery, with artillery fires left, right, and centre – it's a constant dance with the unknown. The uncertainty. The unpredictably.   

But within my mission, the goal of building a 100,000 person strong community in one calendar year, I find the strength to keep moving forward.

To show people what’s possible through the power of self belief and channelling it into raw, relentless action.

The challenges may be relentless, but armed with purpose, we become the Neo of our own matrix, dodging bullets with grace and precision, turning obstacles into illusions.

As I finalize the last few group mentoring spots, I'm gaining the financial leverage that will empower our subscriber growth for April, May and June. 

Dan and I have agreed that each newsletter must outdo the previous one. 

It’s the non-negotiable standard we’ve set. 

Building in public isn’t what you see on an Instagram reel; the reality is burning the midnight oil in WeWork, dealing with a constant barrage of urgent problems.

No hiding, no shortcuts.

While breaks are crucial, they're a reward earned only after ticking off the gargantuan to-do list.

In modern times, people lean too heavily into relaxation, a topic we’re going to dive right into today.

Procrastination is a thing that must be taken very seriously.  

If not, it transforms into a source of shame (I’ve been there many times). It casts a shadow over your goals. It's the enemy we must defeat. 

True satisfaction comes from facing the truth head-on and bulldozing through one challenge at a time.

It’s the only foolproof way I know.

And I call it ‘Being Undeniable’.

Be so good you CANNOT be ignored.

More on that in the Mindset section.


This journey is about to take a pivotal turn as we construct the epicentre of our creativity – The David to Goliath Headquarters.

A space that breathes with inspiration, adorned by quotes from Dorian Yates, Winston Churchill and Muhammad Ali.

By this, I mean my new apartment in the centre of Manchester – hopefully it will be secured this week.

To optimise, sometimes, you must not just level up; you must personally rewire your entire surroundings in a declaration of defiance. 

The current free podcast booth at Manchester Library presents its own set of challenges – from the struggle of booking to the limitations of space and lacklustre Wi-Fi. 

It's time to ascend. 

Another breakthrough: Whilst sharing the David to Goliath story with others in WeWork a new alliance has been forged – with public speaking expert Ed Darling, co-founder and head coach at Project Charisma.

Ed has his own inspiring backstory, a journey that led him from the depths of anxiety to professional acting, to mastering the art of public speaking.

Now, he's set to collaborate with me and Dan, weaving his expertise into the fabric of our speech for The Balkan Ecommerce event.

Where we’ll be revealing the David to Goliath story in front of a 3,000 strong crowd.

In the realm of valuable skillsets, public speaking often sits in the shadows, overlooked and underrated.

Believe me, it's a skill worth investing in.

And the way to do this is to absorb the expertise of someone who’s spent years mastering their craft.  

Lastly, we’re thrilled to announce another addition, Dan Oshinsky (another Dan).

With a proven track record in steering massive newsletters to new heights, he joins our team as a consultant to orchestrate deliberate, strategic growth.

Feedback will become the heartbeat of our evolution, particularly in Q2.

We are committed to creating a dialogue with our subscriber base, understanding that those who read are the ones shaping our narrative.

Polls and surveys will become our tools, but we're taking it a step further.

1.    Face-to-face calls
2.    Interviews with community members

Echoing the success stories of individuals like Aaron from Hush Blankets, who navigated challenging times with the support of their community. 

In this engagement, we aim not just for feedback but to build deep trust, ensuring that our content is not just consumed but changing lives.

These interactions will be the crucible where we discover the answers to propel David to Goliath to the next level.

And that's not all – anticipate a mix of in-person meet-ups, 5k runs, and public events.

This is happening. The community is growing, and I for one am so god damn excited.

We’ll bring back more updates when we have them.

On a side note if you’d like to be one of the first David to Goliath community members to have a call with me and Dan respond to this email - we’ll ask you a few questions and also feature you on one of our upcoming Newsletters!

Main Topic: The World Has Gone Too Soft

The world has gone soft. Everyone’s too scared to say it.

This instant gratification society has blurred the lines between truth and facade, and it's time to acknowledge the consequences.

The soft tendrils of modernity have gently woven a false cocoon around us.

Every word must be carefully curated to avoid offence.              

We've become accustomed to the gentle touch of self-help mantras, the soothing balm of positive affirmations. 

The workplace has become a breeding ground for mediocrity, where the pursuit of excellence is sacrificed on the altar of inclusion.

Merit has been replaced by a misguided sense of equality, where the idea of fairness trumps the reality of competence.

Political correctness has strangled the robustness of honest conversation, leaving us with a vapid exchange of carefully worded niceties, and making us tiptoe around truths and ballet dance around uncomfortable topics. 

The world has become so obsessed with avoiding hurt feelings that it has forgotten the value of pushing the boundaries that got us here in the first place. 

We're running away from the struggles that once fuelled our growth, numbing ourselves to the very essence of the human experience.

Amidst the plush pillows of ‘compassion’, we’re losing touch with the essence of resilience.

The slightest discomfort sends people into a tailspin of emotional turmoil, desperately seeking refuge in echo chambers of like-minded individuals who validate their worldview.

Pointing fingers, laying blame, avoiding responsibility. 

Let's be clear – acknowledging and addressing mental health is crucial.

There are people out there right now who are in a really dark place and do need therapy – we need to take that extremely seriously. 

But today’s topic is about the majority of people – not the 1% who are genuinely teetering on the edge. They need a different solution. I’d recommend they open up and talk to people. 

However it seems we've reached a point where the term "depression" is tossed around like confetti, and people rush to pathologize normal emotional responses, leaving us with a society quick to diagnose and even quicker to prescribe.

Consider this: The traumas of an individual who spent 15 years in Iraq seeing his comrades blown to pieces versus the disillusionment of someone facing rejection after their first cold call.

In today's world, these experiences have been blended into a single narrative.  

And what about chasing happiness?

It’s fleeting.

The human experience is not meant to be one of constant happiness. 

Without sadness, happiness wouldn’t even exist.

Without darkness, there would be no light.

It's about embracing the full spectrum of human emotions and accepting there is a reason they exist.

Like the symphonies of an orchestra all chiming together to bring out the masterpiece we call life.

Rejections are part of life, and feeling disheartened is normal.

Building success, meaningful relationships, and enduring skills takes time, but the prevailing narrative insists on immediate results.

Therapy & Pills

Therapy, once reserved for the most profound struggles, has become a cultural trend, a catch-all solution for any hint of discomfort, an escape route from the trials and tribulations that build character.

It's not that therapy is inherently flawed; rather, it's the over-reliance on it as a quick-fire solution for every emotional hiccup.

Therapy can be a powerful tool, a compass pointing us in the right direction.

But it's just that – a tool. It's up to us to pick it up and use it, to wield it against the storms that threaten to engulf us.

Therapy won’t do the work for you. That requires action, often in the face of discomfort. 

We've created a culture where resilience is not nurtured but outsourced to the expert hands of people armed with diagnostic manuals. 

And speaking out against it labels you a right-wing bigot.

This not only diminishes the experiences of those genuinely grappling with serious mental health issues but also undermines the resilience that is essential for personal development.

Strength is not about being immune to pain, but about standing tall amidst the chaos, weathering the storms, and emerging stronger on the other side.

Acknowledging that the path to healing is messy, uncomfortable, and often devoid of the soft cushions society wants to wrap us in.

The first step demands a confrontation with the unfiltered, unvarnished aspects of our existence.

The tendency to label every emotional downturn as a mental health crisis is stifling the very strength that has carried humanity to this day.

It has beckoned us away from the stoic path of our ancestors, who bore their unyielding spirits out of necessity.

They were warriors of the neighbourhood, forging alliances and battling rivals, learning the harsh lesson that victory is earned and defeat is bitter.

They faced challenges that would make today's hurdles seem trivial, yet they persevered and came through with smiles on their faces. 

The story of my grandad, a WW2 veteran, is a testament to the resilience found within.

He faced genuine terror but emerged with a radiant smile, attributing his happiness to the basics – family, community, and hard work.

Have you ever been on YouTube and found yourself targeted by ads from therapy platforms, insidiously pointing fingers and suggesting you have a problem that only they can solve?

These companies, masked behind glossy advertisements, are employing a sinister tactic that goes beyond marketing – they're paying actors to feign depression, manipulating emotions to convince individuals that they harbour deep-seated issues requiring immediate therapy.

It's a blatant exploitation of vulnerability, preying on people’s weak minds in the name of profit. Forcing more problems into existence.

This perpetuates a cycle of dependency on external solutions.

Consider the ripple effect that’s having across our entire society and the minds of future generations.

Now we’re experiencing loneliness like never before, anxiety on a scale we’ve never seen and suicide rates are going through the roof.

People are being coerced into believing that therapy is the only answer.

Overlooking the strength that resides within. 

Our mental health is not a commodity to be exploited; it's a deeply personal journey that requires authenticity and self-discovery. 

Before you let the commercial ads dictate your course of action, pause and reflect on the basics. 

After all, we are just systems, constantly processing inputs and generating outputs—thoughts, words, deeds. 

Our perception of reality is shaped by our environment. 

It's easy to fall into the trap of feeling depressed, comparing our struggles to the highlight reels of others' success on social media.

Nowadays, it seems like there's a pill for every ill.

It’s a path that leads to nowhere but a dark abyss. 

The pill bottle has become a modern-day Pandora's Box, unleashing a torrent of harmful chemicals to tame the complexities of the human mind.

Again making these companies vast amounts of profit. 

We're not encouraged to confront the root causes of our discontent; instead, we're offered a shortcut to numbness.

Why? Because searching within to foster personal resilience is free.

A big no no in the onlooking eyes of the hungry capitalist corporations that want to milk you for every dime in your pocket. 

But it’s like painting over a crack in the foundation of a building.

Our world is driven by profit, and pharmaceutical giants are cashing in. If they profit from pushing pills, they'll keep weaving a narrative that keeps you reaching for that quick fix.

The incentives are massively misaligned.

Experts may wield degrees and titles, but they can't write your life story. 

You are not weak for experiencing pain.

You are human.

You are not powerless.

You always have a choice.

Your mindset is yours.

The true power is forged within.

Never forget that.

Mindset - Being Undeniable

Blame is a road paved with stagnation. The best way to the life you’ve always wanted is what I call ‘Being Undeniable’.

Therapy won't do the work for you. It won't send those cold emails, launch that project, or keep fighting while the world looks on.

The only response that truly matters is to become so competent, so undeniably good, that the world has no choice but to take notice.

Yes, it’s a relentless uphill climb. It demands a resilience that refuses to break, a tenacity that laughs in the face of setbacks. 

But there is no substitute for hard work.

Six months ago, I found myself on the brink of suicide, betrayed and broken.

The chorus of advice sang the same tune: "Get therapy." 

Instead, I ignored the advice and chose action. No more wallowing in bed, no more tears shed in vain. I took control of the controllables – sleep, diet, exercise – rewiring my brain's chemistry without the crutch of mind-numbing pills. 

Partnering with Dan for those 6 am runs was a declaration of war against stagnation.

Stamping out the voice of the victim one stride at a time.

When you carve a big goal into the fabric of your identity, a target so magnetic that it pulls you from the depths of your current reality, it becomes something that demands your focus and catalyzes a cascade of actions.

That’s exactly what I did.

100,000 subscribers in one calendar year for the David to Goliath comeback. Only possible if I took action regardless of how I felt. 

As I embarked on this journey, I discovered the power of aligning my passion with a higher purpose.

David to Goliath emerged from the determination to build something meaningful and monumental.

To show others what’s possible through the power of self belief and taking massive relentless action, despite the excruciating pain. 

Delving deep into the recesses of my being. 

Imagination and vision became my navigational tools in this uncharted terrain.

I’m not here to say don’t get therapy. I’m just here to share what worked for me.

That was taking control of my situation, conquering the voice of the victim and empowering my champion by taking action.

Another fantastic example is Bugzy Malone. The English rapper hailing from the streets of Manchester—a testament to the unapologetic pursuit of dreams. 

He’s a black artist who defied industry norms. He rejected record labels, opting instead to self-produce his music and own all his rights. Today, his work extends far beyond the world of hip-hop, encompassing a fashion line, fragrance, and more.

Recently, he shared a glimpse into his past through a video on his YouTube channel.

In a prison notebook, he meticulously sketched a house 7 years ago when he had absolutely nothing. The house he lives in is the exact image he drew out.

He calls it “The House of Vision”.

But he didn’t lie around hoping this would happen by staring at his vision board. He forced this vision into existence. 

With the trio of self-belief, vision, and undeniable action.

The 3 pillars David to Goliath is built upon. 

He took his vision to the streets, engaged in rap battles, and leaned into himself as a person.

Commitment and action is the key. It's more than just a wish; it's a promise to yourself that you won't settle for anything less than your envisioned success.

We are the architects of our destiny, shaped by the decisions we make and the actions we take.

Treat setbacks as detours, each one leading you to a more refined path.

Be persistent, resilient, and unwavering in your pursuit.

Be Undeniable.

Resource Rec – Leila Hormozi

Today’s resource recommendation is tailored specifically for those navigating challenging times with a steadfast refusal to settle for the ordinary, in the knowledge that conventional paths won’t work for you.

It’s a riveting journey into the mind and wisdom of Leila Hormozi, who we wrote last Thursday’s post about.

In case you missed it, Leila’s a CEO and media personality who has not only achieved phenomenal success but is reshaping the narrative of triumph for a new generation of visionaries.  

The crux of Leila's message revolves around the power of thought and belief shifts. She urges her audience to forge ahead despite discomfort, with full conviction that this unlocks the gateway to transformative growth.

You’ll dive deep into the depths of her fears, setbacks, and the foundational principles underpinning her entire journey to the top.

In a world captivated by the pursuit of perfection, Leila redirects the focus to progress.

Her teachings offer practical wisdom on building the 'get shit done' muscle, where speed reigns supreme, and responsibility emerges as the secret sauce to keep motivation ablaze.

Through Leila's content, you'll glean insights on acting swiftly, breaking free from the shackles of procrastination, and embracing discomfort as the pathway to success.

Absorb her teachings and uncover a profound truth – the potency you wield is directly proportional to the immediacy of your actions. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn what it actually means to be resilient, have a growth mindset, and harness that untapped power within. 

It might just change your life.

It certainly did mine.

David to Goliath Action Items:

1) Do The Work: There are hundreds of techniques to make you more productive. But none of those things do the work for you. Sometimes you just need to face the truth, kill procrastination and as Phil Knight says: Just do it. Regardless of how you feel.

2) Find Mentors: If you want to speed up your progress find people who have spent years in one specific field, have great case studies and pay them to distil down what took them decades into hours.

3) Basics Before Pills: While therapy and pills have their place focus on the basics first. The world has gone too soft and if more people just had more sleep, ate cleaner, did more exercise and worked harder, we’d all be a lot better off.

4) Be Undeniable: There becomes a point that if you’re so damn good for such long periods of time it is almost impossible not to see success. The question is are you willing to work in the dark for years, when no one is looking, before your greatness enters into the light?

5) Responsibility Beats Motivation: As Leila Hormozi points out, motivation is unreliable - it comes and goes. Responsibility however is always there - if you have mouths to feed or employees to serve you show up everyday and do what it takes. But, the most important person to be responsible for is yourself.

That’s all for today, ladies and gents.

Do you think the world has gone too soft?

Drop me a response by replying to this email - would love to hear from you!

And remember: No one is coming to save you.

But with self belief as your sling and the undeniable mindset that you will not be denied, you can turn your life around.

You just need to do the work. Regardless of how you feel.

So join us at David to Goliath.

Keep dreaming like a Giant.

But fight and believe in your dreams like a God damn Underdog baby!

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. Ready to turn your life around?

Here are 5 resources to get you ahead: