Wk12 (13.7k subs): The Enemy Destroying Your Progress

and how to defeat it in 10 simple steps

The Enemy Destroying Your Progress

The Comeback - Week 12 (13,700 Subs):

Read this online at DavidtoGoliath.com.

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Just 12 weeks ago Dan and I were sat in WeWork, staring up at the colossal mountain in front of us.

We could see just a glimpse of the 100,000 subscriber landmark peaking through the clouds.

Knowing we have just one calendar year to climb this beast. 

So we packed our bags and set off, using self belief as our guide lighting up this treacherous path.

Heads down, climbing in the dark knowing we just had to keep moving forward inch by inch, day by day.

Along the way, we’ve had countless setbacks.

Although, last week a breakthrough of the highest magnitude.

As I sat in the tiny WeWork booth I stared back at the screen in utter disbelief.

There it was.

A message from the woman herself Leila Hormozi.

Tears filled my eyes as I walked over to show Dan.

But amongst the fist pumps and celebrations, a stark realization came over me.

“Now the real test begins.”

Yes, we’re gathering momentum, we’re getting on the radar of some of the most respected people in our industry.

But if we allow complacency to set in, David to Goliath will come crashing down before we even have the chance to get going.

Empires come, and empires fall.

As you look back through history it’s the same lesson every single time:

Ego took hold and people believed they were something special.

And they stopped doing the work that made them great in the first place.

So how do we fight this?

How do we control this monster?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re tackling today.

Why Complacency is the true Enemy of progress and the 10-step process you can use to defeat it.

Today on David to Goliath:

Road to 100,000: Behind the Scenes

Subscriber Growth - 13,700 Subs

There’s not too much to share this week on subscriber growth. We’re just focusing on 2 main things right now:

1) Making the content better in the Newsletter

2) Getting the resources in place to scale hard in April, May and June.

In the coming weeks, I’m looking to really optimize LinkedIn so we can drive more organic growth from that channel.

Will keep you posted!

Breakthrough - Leila Hormozi

You might be wondering, why do we pour our hearts and souls into the David to Newsletters?

Why do we sacrifice sleep, leisure, and sometimes even sanity to push toward our goal?

50 hours of work go into each of these newsletters.

For one email, one podcast and a post on our website.

Ludicrous in the eyes of some.

Not to us.

Sweat dripping onto the keyboard, eyes dazzled from staring at screens for hours on end…

Relentless action to create something great that stands out.

But even with our conviction and self belief we too need moments of recognition.

Positive indicators that we’re heading in the right direction.

And boy did we get one of those last week!

First, we unleashed the Untold Rise of Leila Hormozi.

If you don’t know who she is: Leila’s a titan among female entrepreneurs, her name whispered in reverence across the winds of social media.

Although she’s often left in the shadows of her husband, Alex Hormozi, one of the biggest names in business right now.

In our hearts, we knew her story deserved more light.

So we dissected: 

  • Every podcast

  • Hundreds of social media posts

  • Every online anecdote we could find

Meticulously piecing together a story that would do justice to Leila's journey.

From the comics to the copy. Nothing was on the internet like this.

Fast forward to Wednesday night, the day before posting.

On the tram ride home, as Dan and I exchanged glances, there was a sense that something special was about to happen.

Well, at least Dan thought there was…

With a cheeky grin on his face, he turned to me and said:

"I've got a feeling Nigel. I think she's gonna notice this."

I thought never in a million years he’d be right.

Millions of people are constantly vying for this woman’s attention.

And even though I don’t know her personally I bet she’s got a calendar stacked to the brim with urgent activities.

Yet, as I logged into LinkedIn the next day frantically checking my notifications, a direct message popped up.

One line that made all those 50 hours of sacrifice worth it:

Following that she then made this comment on the Newsletter post itself:

It was an extremely emotional moment.

I ran upstairs to capture my response on the rooftop of WeWork.

Only 6 months ago I was thinking about taking my own life.

12 weeks ago we officially launched David to Goliath.

Never in my wildest dreams did I foresee this.

It just goes to show what you can accomplish in such a short space of time if you commit and put your mind to making sh*t happen.

And none of this would have been possible without Dan - so thank you man - you’re a living legend!

Challenges - Resisting Temptation

Fuelled with positive energy I walked around WeWork telling others about the Leila comment.

The chorus of advice rang the same tune:

“‘Message her back. Right now you’ve got the most awareness you’ll ever have from her. Seize it. Ask her for something in return. Ask for an interview”.

Something just didn’t feel right.

The old me would have caved at the peer pressure.

But not the new Nigel - on a Goliath mission.

That’s small thinking.

Instead, I just replied saying:

“Thank you Leila. Thank you for being who you are”.

That’s it.


Because we’re playing the long-term game.

We got the nod of approval. That’s all we needed.

As I said, millions of people are trying to get her attention and we got that, and then some.

Most people would also ask for something in return - straight away.

But if we want David to Goliath to be different we must act differently.

Judging by the comment I’m pretty convinced she’ll remember us.

And I’m pretty sure instead of asking for more of her attention right now she’d be more impressed if we went on to build something massive.

That, in my humble opinion, will lead to way bigger opportunities further down the line.

But all that being said it’s not easy to resist these temptations.

We have a duty though.

We owe it to you - our readers.

We must double down.

Go twice as hard and make this momentum count.

It’s time to stare the enemy of complacency dead in the eyes and fight it as David did Goliath.

Main Topic: Complacency IS the Enemy

Complacency - where hopes fade, momentum is shattered and dreams die.

Promising ventures that end up as nothing but relics in the graveyard of good intentions.

Picture this: You're grinding away at your start-up, pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into your vision.

It’s burning bright in your soul and you’re battling against the forces of doubt, uncertainty, and relentless competition.

The wheels of momentum are starting to turn - a chorus of supporters cheer you on from the sidelines.

But suddenly out of nowhere, a new opportunity appears on the horizon.

It's flashy, its’s exciting, and it promises untold riches. 

The entrepreneur in you is hooked.

And just like that, you're off chasing it, leaving your previous project gathering dust in the corner.

How many resources have you poured into projects that held such promise, only to fizzle out like a damp firecracker on New Year's Eve?

I know I’ve spent too many hours to count.

Shiny Object Syndrome, we’ve all been there.

That gnawing sense of dissatisfaction, that relentless craving for something more.

We all want success, and we want it NOW.

When the going gets tough, we bail ship and hop onto the next shiny bandwagon, hoping that this time, it'll be different.

Spoiler alert: It won't be.

The grass ain’t greener on the other side.

There’s sh*t in every exciting new opportunity.

You just can’t see it yet.

The truth is: It’s only greener where you continue to water.

And that watering takes years of focused dedication.

This sneaky little devil tempts us with glittery distractions while silently sabotaging our dreams and goals.

It preys upon our innate desire for novelty and excitement.

We become so consumed by the pursuit of immediate success that we forget why we embarked on this journey in the first place.

Every time you take the bait, you stray further from your true purpose, leaving a trail of broken dreams in your wake.

But wait, it gets worse. 

Because lurking in the shadows, like a silent assassin, is complacency.

That nagging voice in the back of your mind that tells you to take the easy road.

Complacency is just as deadly as Shiny Object Syndrome, if not more so. 

While the allure of shiny distractions might lead us astray, it's the insidious grip of complacency that keeps us trapped in a cycle of mediocrity.

Like the victim mentality stopping us from reaching our true potential.

Together, these two demons form the ultimate tag team of destruction.

The result? WASTED potential.

Before you know it you’re waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, haunted by the ghosts of what could have been.

Instead of sticking it out through the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come with building something great, you're lured away by the allure of instant gratification. 

If you think for one second that you can afford to cosy up to complacency, you're wrong.

Unless you want to become stagnant in a rapidly evolving world, and find yourself clinging to outdated strategies, ignoring the winds of change.

Because while you're busy patting yourself on the back for a job well done, your competitors are out there grinding, hustling, and eating up more market share.

The cost of succumbing to Shiny Object Syndrome is steep indeed. It robs us of our most precious resource: Time.

Time that could have been spent honing our craft, refining our strategies, and building the foundations of lasting success.

Success doesn't come from jumping from one idea to the next like a squirrel on a caffeine bender. 

  • It comes from focus.

  • It comes from discipline. 

  • It comes from staying the course.

Even when it feels like the universe is conspiring against you.

Empires are not built on the shifting sands of expediency but on the solid bedrock of integrity and perseverance.

Every moment squandered chasing after the latest trend or fad is a moment lost to the pursuit of our true mission.

True success is not measured in the number of shiny objects we collect along the way, but in the depth of impact we make on the world around us.

Take the Dude Wipes story.

They had huge growth with wet wipes and started expanding into new areas, selling deodorants and other products.

Did they experience more growth at first? Yes.

But they began to realise that they had spread their net too wide. 

Their fans, loyal legions, were beginning to question the essence of their mission.

When Covid hit – there was a surge in demand for wet wipes.

So they put a stop to everything else, and were left with one powerful message:

‘Focus on the hero product, the one that never lets you down.’

And this is what Sean Riley and his team are going to double down on to reach 1 Billion dollars.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret here at David to Goliath.

The real reason we decided to focus on shiny object syndrome and complacency today was because after the Leila Hormozi success, Dan started receiving messages on LinkedIn.

People asking him to create comics.

Seeing Leila Hormozi’s comment on my post, and wanting a piece of the action.

They tried to tempt Dan with short-term cash. 

But would the long-term implications be?

Yes, Dan can make some quick money, but at the same time sacrifice and dilute what makes us unique at David to Goliath.

Also, take more time away from taking our Newsletters to the next level.

Look: We’re not doing this just for money.

We’re doing this to inspire a generation of what’s possible through the power of self-belief.

When most would rest on their laurels, and take the short-term wins and go off course…

We are asking ourselves this:

What made us get that comment in the first place?

It was the hours and hours we spent tinkering, working in the dark, when no one was looking, knowing that eventually we’d bring greatness into the light

It’s like you see with big celebrities – Michael Jordan – focusing on endorsements – and not practising as much - which led to poorer performances.

Then he realized what made him great (the work) and went all in on basketball - winning all the championships once again.

Because it’s not about getting to the top of the mountain for one day, it’s about staying there, and not forgetting what got you to the peak.

To do this you must uphold the non-negotiable standards and say NO.

That’s where purpose becomes your strongest ally.

If we were just doing this for money, what would hold us from resisting?

The fact that we know we have it in us to become the best at what we’re doing, and we will not settle for anything less.

That'’s the underlying drive.

Everything we have planned – it all lies on us putting out the best content in the game.

Imagine the feeling of putting something out there and knowing it could be better?

A disgusting feeling of shame.

The reward of real work is looking in the mirror and knowing you couldn’t have done anything more, and when you finally unveil that masterpiece, through ultimate tinkering, you look and think to yourself: “I am so proud of that.”

That’s the reward of real work.

No amount of money can buy that feeling.

When you’re 85 years old leaning back on that rocking chair and questioning if all the sacrifices were worth it.

The answer will be a resounding “HELL YES!”.

That’s what David to Goliath is all about.

We don’t play to other trends.

We’re not an algorithm hack.

We’re just in competition with ourselves.

It’s all within.

The battle against Shiny Object Syndrome and complacency is never won or lost.

It’s constant.

Now, I’m going to show you how you can fight it.

Mindset - Building Your ‘NO Muscle’

Complacency is boiled down is 4 key things:

  1. Doing the inputs required

  2. Getting the output you want

  3. Stop doing the inputs required

  4. Stop getting the output you want

That’s literally it.

So we have to intervene at number 2 - when you start getting the output you want from the inputs you’ve done.



By building and working your ‘NO Muscle’.

It’s a simple 10-Step process:

  1. Define your underlying purpose/mission

  2. Define your yearly target

  3. Define your inputs to hit that target

  4. Reverse engineer those inputs into metrics

  5. Block out time in your calendar to do the inputs

  6. Say NO to everything else

  7. Check progress towards yearly target once per month

  8. Adjust and update your inputs/metrics in line with feedback

  9. Keep saying NO to other opportunities

  10. Build your NO Muscle stronger and stronger

To make things easier let me give you an example with what we’re doing at David to Goliath:

1) Mission: To show others what’s possible through the power of self belief and taking action.

2) Yearly Target: To hit 100,000 subscribers on our Newsletter in one calendar year (2024).

3) Inputs to Hit Target: 

  • Write and publish Newsletters

  • Record podcasts

  • Run ads on various channels

  • Publish content on LinkedIn

  • Get on other podcasts as a guest

4) Metrics to Hit Target:

  • Newsletters: Write, edit and publish 2 Newsletters per week

  • Podcasts: Research, record, edit and publish 1 podcast per week

  • Ads: Write, create, split test content on ads every week for a target cost of $1.50 a new subscriber

  • LinkedIn: Write, edit and publish one LinkedIn post a day

  • Guest Podcasts: Reach out, book in and record 10 top 2%+ podcasts per month

5) Block Time in Calendar: 5 hours of deep work every morning uninterrupted.

6) Saying No: I had the opportunity for various sponsorships that weren't aligned with our mission - I said no to all of them (so far).

7) Checking Progress: Meetings to review monthly progress in tracker to see how close we are to hitting our 100,000 subscriber target.

8) Update Inputs: We’ve now edited the type of content we’re posting on LinkedIn, the type of guest podcasts I’m appearing on, and the fact we also need to start posting daily on TikTok and Instagram.

9) New Opportunities: Saying no to making our unique comic books for other creators and Newsletters.

10) Working The No Muscle: Resisting the temptation to ask Leila Hormozi for an interview or more of her attention after she messaged us

We must stay laser-focused on our goals and refuse to be seduced by the siren song of instant gratification.

Will it be easy? No. 

But nothing worth having ever is.

So, the next time you feel the pull of a shiny distraction or the suffocating embrace of complacency, say NO.

Because everytime you do, you’re saying YES to the one thing that matters most.

You’re mission.

You’re purpose.

The focus is on you, it’s all within.

Stay focused. Stay hungry. Work and build your NO Muscle with these 10 simple steps.

And above all, stay true to the fire burning deep within your soul.

Resource Rec – The Mythical Memoir of Sir Richard Branson

This week we’re recommending one of our own resources. 

An epic adventure of:

  1. Vision

  2. Valour

  3. And Victory

This man turned dyslexia, what other saw as a weakness, into his superpower. 

He faced all the Goliath's head on.

Stopping at nothing to push his brand, Virgin, out into the world.

Approaching setbacks with a relentless spirit that made it absolutely undeniable he wouldn’t see success.

And not just for personal gain - He leverages his huge influence to drive humanity forward, one daring venture at a time.

Complacency doesn’t exist in Branson’s dictionary.

Even through all the setbacks and monumental failures, he kept on levelling up and pushing for more.

Using his uniquely wired brain to excel in leadership, vision, and the need to shatter conventional thinking.

But it all stemmed from a decision to take a bet on himself.

Literally, everything we preach at David to Goliath.

This article distils Branson’s entire underdog story into an epic adventure of wisdom, lessons, and motivation.

To our knowledge, it’s the only one out there of its kind. 

Absorb the journey from this trailblazer.

Unlock the mindset needed to force your mission out to the world.

Dare to be great. Dare like Sir Richard Branson to go from David to Goliath.

Read the entire article here.

David to Goliath Action Items:

1) Finding Your Purpose: Deep purposeful work is perhaps the biggest gift you can give yourself in life. This is why most people are unhappy with their jobs - they have no purpose. You must take risks, test new things and when you find it go all-in. Align your purpose with a mission - ideally a business that drives impact.

2) Set a Yearly Target: Without black and white goals your purpose and mission will remain just a hope or a dream. Get clear on how to force it into reality by setting yearly targets.

3) Define Your Daily Inputs: Once you have your yearly target reverse engineer it into simple daily actions that will allow you to reach your goal. Hold yourself accountable and consistently get these things done - not just once a week - everyday, every month. For years.

4) Block Time to Make it Happen: As John Lennon once said: “Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans.” If you do not physically block the time out in your calendar to do the inputs required, I can tell you now, your big vision will stay a pipeline dream. Don’t wait - life is short.

5) Build and Work Your ‘NO Muscle’: As you do the inputs and the wheels of momentum start to turn, opportunities will spring up left right and centre. But if you fall prey to these distractions you will stop doing the inputs that got the outputs you wanted. Use the 10-step process outlined above to work and build your ‘NO Muscle’. Say no to everything else and say yes to the one thing that matters most: Your purpose. Your mission in life.

That’s a wrap.

Until next time: Keep doing the inputs and fight complacency by saying NO more often.

Dream like a Giant.

But fight and believe in your dreams like a God damn Underdog!

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: Want to scale your marketing agency to $100k/mo and be personally mentored by me? Learn more here

#2: Have you seen my LinkedIn content? Everyday I post stories, frameworks and mindset tips to take you from David to Goliath

#3: Listen to raw uncut conversations with me and Dan on the David to Goliath Podcast as we spill the hard truths about what it truly takes to build the life of your dreams