Wk15 (21.2k subs): The Most Underrated Skill of the 21st Century

And why 75% of people say it’s their number 1 fear

The Most Underrated Skill of the 21st Century

The Comeback - Week 15 (21,200 Subs):

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I could see the crowd taking their seats.

My legs started to shake beneath me.

I could feel my heart pounding through my shirt.

I could taste the saliva in my mouth drying up as I bit my lips together.

Then the spotlights switched on.

The presenter announced my name.

My presentation appeared on the big screen.

She looked over directly into my eyes and gave me the nod.

There was no way back now.

Scared, nervous and excited all at once, I stepped on stage in Bulgaria’s biggest indoor arena to put David to Goliath on the map.

Just 6 months ago I was staring down at the concrete 22 floors below in Austin Texas preparing to jump after losing the woman I loved most.

Now, I stood there in front of an onlooking crowd sharing the journey of how I’m turning my life around and why I’m using my personal brand to inspire others to do the same.

It was one hell of a moment.

As I left the stage with the song ‘Underdog’ from Kasabian reverberating around the arena the crowd sat back wondering what they’d just witnessed.

Some people laughed. 

Some people clapped.

Some people just stayed silent.

Although one things for sure. 

Love it or hate it, they certainly won’t forget it.

And that’s what David to Goliath is all about.

Be bold. Take responsibility for your life. Dare to be great.

We’re not here to make up the numbers.

We’re here to stand up and be counted.

Today I will share with you why I believe public speaking is the most underrated skill of the 21st century and how anyone can become charismatic (in 12 simple steps):

Today on David to Goliath:

But first, let me take you behind the scenes including my life-changing experience at the Balkan Ecommerce event with me and my friend Dan.

Road to 100,000: Behind the Scenes

Failures - The 20 min 5k I’m Yet to Crack

As you know in a previous Newsletter I had vowed to run the 5k in 20 minutes. I failed, again.

Multiple attempts I just couldn’t crack it - even on the day of the speech.

This was a big wake-up call and highlighted how I’ve not been consistent with my training. Although I still also believe it’s in the mind.

I’m not going to crack it overnight but I will do it. I promise.

Although it did lead to a huge breakthrough…

Breakthroughs - Tokyo Marathon and Meeting Friends:

Terribly frustrated, I spoke to Eugenio Zabell, an agency owner I’m currently mentoring who has run multiple marathons (in extremely quick times!) and I told him about the situation.

What came out of that conversation is that we made a pact to run the Tokyo Marathon together next March, along with Dan - who was also with us in Bulgaria for the speech and morning workout.

And as I told the guys, why not plan a speech for Tokyo too?!

I’ve always wanted to visit Japan so now I have a great excuse to go. Roll on Tokyo, conquering my 20-minute 5k and preparing for a Marathon!

(if anyone wants to join us reach out - you have to book by end of May - we also plan to go skiing so it’s gonna be epic!)

And on that note, another big breakthrough was meeting people in person.

Matey Tsolov my good friend who runs his own agency and lives in Bulgaria I’ve been working with remotely for 3 years and finally, we met.

His first words: “Wow, you’re a LOT taller than I thought!”

And then he saw my friend Dan, who’s 6 ft 6 “Bloody hell, you’re MASSIVE!” he uttered in disbelief.

But over the course of the next few days, we had an absolute ball. Bulgaria is an incredibly scenic place for anyone who hasn’t been and even though my time was short it sure was sweet.

Matey took us to some wonderful restaurants (including one ran by the Bulgarian mafia where apparently he shot someone in the leg for touching his pet peacock!).

Another reminder if you’re working remotely go and meet up with your team, the energy following those face-to-face meetings is always incomparable - because you see the real human behind the screen.

No matter what shape or size they are!

Now for the main event. The speech that changed my life.

Takeaways from Speech and Critical Feedback:

As mentioned the event, Balkan Ecommerce, was hosted at Bulgaria’s biggest arena: Arena Sofia.

Most of the floor was taken up with booths for the businesses at the event. Then one end was sectioned off for the stage.

Before we were about to start I was a little worried. There was hardly anyone there…

I was first on at 10AM and since there was a party the night before people hadn’t yet arrived.

But people started piling in when I started screaming out things such as “doing shirtless press-ups chanting I AM THE GREATEST LIKE MUHAMMAD ALI” at the top of my voice (yes it wasn’t your average speech!).

I was on stage for 25 minutes and then brought on my childhood friend Dan so he could share his side of the David to Goliath story.

It was an extremely emotional moment telling people just what we’d manage to accomplish in 14 weeks:

  • Hitting 20,000 subscribers

  • Getting a DM from Leila Hormozi

  • The chance to speak at this conference

It felt so good shining the light on Dan who has been monumental in everything we’ve done at David to Goliath so far.

By the time we’d finished that intense 5 minute ending together there wasn’t a seat to spare and people were even standing up at the back.

Hated, adored, but never ignored! That’s David to Goliath for you.

If you want to listen to the entire speech I recorded it on our podcast last week here.

And once I have the video recording from the host I’ll include it in an upcoming Newsletter so stay tuned!

Although, it certainly wasn’t perfect. This was only my 3rd ever speech and the first of a kind for Dan.

Here’s what we need to work on:


  • Eye contact: I was starring directly into the camera the whole time - I needed to look out into different sections of the audience

  • Body Language: I had some nervous twitching going on so need to work on being more natural

  • Walking Around: I moved up and down the stage a bit too much and distracted the audience from the slideshow (Dan had put together some amazing comics!) so I need to learn to stand still more to make my points


  • Jolting around the stage: I need to ground myself to specific spots to minimise unnecessary movements, and practice fluid transitions between points without excessive pacing or sudden movements.

  • Bursts of fury in my voice: I need to control the intensity of my voice to convey passion without overwhelming the audience, and aim for a balanced delivery without creating intimidation (I’m a big guy anyway).

  • Over-using hand gestures: I need to reduce the frequency and intensity of hand gestures to avoid distracting from the message, and focus on using them sporadically to purposefully complement the speech.

In the next few weeks, we will be sitting down with our public speaking coach Ed Darling to dissect everything so we can practice for our next speech.

On that note if anyone knows a good speech for Q3/Q4 we should speak at this year please respond and let me know!

We’ll go anywhere to get the David to Goliath name out there and inspire more people - Just be prepared for something bold!

That’s enough about me.

Now it’s all about you and how you can use public speaking to improve all areas of your life and business.

Main Topic: Public Speaking - The Most Underrated Skill of the 21st Century

Do you want to get more attention for you or your business?

Do you want to become a better leader?

Do you want to make more sales?

Cast your mind back.

When was the last time you practised how to speak?

Can you even remember?

Most likely when you were crawling around your parent’s floor with food all over your face as they tempted you with treats to repeat back specific words and phrases.

(yes, I was an extremely fat and stubborn baby!)

Yet, our voices are one of if not our most prized asset.

It’s how we communicate our ideas with the world.

And public speaking is the number one way to force you to improve it, fast.


Because there is a strict deadline.

As I always say here at David to Goliath: Constraint drives innovation.

With public speaking it’s the ultimate constraint and accountability.

When the lights go on and your name appears on the big screen no-one is going to speak for you - it’s all on you.

If you don’t practice you look like an idiot in front of hundreds of people.

And that’s why it’s 75% of people’s biggest fear.

But for the small portion of people who lean in and dare to be great, you will unlock a world of opportunity you never imagined. Including:

  • Relationships: Building deep trust with people that you could never get over Zoom

  • Leverage: After your speech, people come to you for business, negotiation or just to help them, you have a lot of power in that conversation

  • Leadership: Saying exactly the same words, your improved voice will now inspire people in your team to do more with less

  • Content: If you’re recording podcasts, Youtube videos or Instagram reels, you will stand out and grab the attention of the audience in a split second

The list goes on and on.

But the big question: Can anyone do it?

Or is having the charisma and confidence to get on stage and captivate an audience just something you’re born with?

Well, that’s something I used to think but working with public speaking coach Ed Darling, I now know differently.

He showed me a study where John Antonakis took a group of MBA students and mid-level managers, none of whom had experience with public speaking.

They were each instructed to deliver a speech, with the audience rating their perceived level of trust, likability and charisma.

The speakers were then taught ‘12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics’ (which I’ll share in just a second).

The speakers delivered their speech again, this time applying the 12 Charisma tactics.

The results were mind blowing.

Some speakers scored up to 60% higher on their audience score, simply by applying just a few of the 12 tactics.

So can charisma be learned? 

According to Antonakis, absolutely.

Here are the 12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics that Antonakis discovered so you can apply them in your everyday life:

1) Demonstrate Moral Convictions:

As Winston Churchill once said: “One man (or woman) with conviction will overwhelm 100 who have only opinions”.

When someone has true conviction in what they say, we can’t help but be drawn in. It’s because most people don’t and blindly wander through life following others.

It’s about having an authentic desire to follow your principles and stand up for what you believe in, regardless of external opinion.

You can’t fake it and people will really feel it.

It just hits different when it comes from the soul.

2) Reflect the Sentiment of the Group:

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase: “Death by Powerpoint”.

As humans we’re tribal - we don’t want to be lectured. We want to feel understood. To be part of something.

Great speakers are also great listeners. If you want to be viewed as charismatic, demonstrate to people you’ve listened by reflecting what they care about most back to them.

3) Set High Expectations:

Sometimes all it takes is one person to truly believe in you.

I know because I had that person. Yes, they betrayed me, although, I am grateful for the experience and am now using it to pass on belief to others through David to Goliath.

Hold people to a higher standard and watch as they transform, breaking down the beliefs that were holding them back one by one.

But also remember: It first starts by holding yourself to a higher standard.

4) Communicate Confidence:

No-one wants to be a guinea pig.

If you’re saying something bold you best be able to back it up with evidence.

Use social proof, achievements and big numbers to show people that you’re a man or woman of your word and you have the battle scars to prove it.

It’s not going to happen overnight. Keep documenting your wins as you never know when they might come in handy for that big presentation!

5) Tell Stories and Anecdotes:

We’ve been communicating via stories for over 50,000 years. It works.

But telling good stories is rare. The more vulnerable you can be, the more you can lean into your struggles the better - as more people will be able to relate.

Build suspense, keep people hanging on the edge of their seats and then give them a takeaway of how they can apply the same breakthrough you had in their life.

And the best way to someone’s heart is by making them laugh. So weave in some jokes and get people smiling!

6) Use Metaphors, Similarities and Analogies:

Statistics are important but you won’t keep people engaged by a huge spreadsheet full of data.

You have to make it fun and the best way to do that is by using metaphors, similes and analogies.

Think of something everyone in the audience would know.

For example in my speech I used a Boomerang to demonstrate how long it takes to build a personal brand - I made a few jokes and set the expectation it will take potentially years before it swings back.

7) Employ Contrast:

There is no darkness without light.

No happiness without sadness.

The more you can use both extremes of the spectrum when you speak, the more you’ll grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged.

If you want to harness contrast in your speeches, think about the positive sentiments you’re trying to get across, then outline the opposite first.

8) Use the Power of Three:

“I came, I saw, I conquered,” said Julius Caesar.

There’s a rhythm to it. It’s been scientifically proven that humans digest best in groups of three.

So whether you’re outlining your entire speech, content for posting on LinkedIn, or simply trying to hammer a point home group it into three and more of your audience will remember.

9) Ask Rhetorical Questions (and pause)

“Who is your ideal customer?” I said on stage at my speech and then paused.

Allowing the audience to paint a picture in their mind of someone specific to them. Then I went on to make a point.

The idea is to give the audience a silent “a-ha” moment so they’re more bought in to whatever you say next.

Try this out in your next conversation - it works wonders!

But always remember to pause and let your listener think.

10-11) Gesture Naturally and Speak Through Facial Expressions:

Communication is 55% nonverbal, 38% vocal, and 7% words. So body language seriously matters - especially when delivering an in person speech.

It’s hard to give specific tactics for this one because everyone is different. Although, the idea is to relax and be more expressive.

The best thing to do is practice and record yourself. See what your nervous tendencies are, practice to eradicate them and then work on using your hands and stance to bring your words to life.

Don’t forget to smile! It’s free and makes a huge difference (especially for your tonality!)

12) Animate Your Voice:

I saved the best till last.

I’ve hardly met ANYONE who does this well.

Firstly, become aware of your filler words. Common ones are ‘erm’ or ‘like’.

Replace them with silence. Uncomfortable at first but trust me once you master it, it becomes so powerful.

Then for tonality Ed my speaking coach taught me a fancy little trick:

Hold out your hand and whilst you move it up inch by inch say the words “I am climbing up the stairs”. With each word hitting on a different note in your voice box going from your deepest tone to highest.

And then repeat the process coming back down: “Now I’m climbing down the stairs”.

Seriously uncomfortable at first! 

But it’s fantastic for highlighting all the tones on your voice,

Then start trying to slowly incorporate them into your everyday voice.

Remember: Variety is the spice of live.

Right - we’re done! That was a lot and I definitely don’t recommend trying to implement all the 12 tactics at once.

Even if you start with one/two you’ll be way ahead of most.

To recap the 12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics:

  1. Demonstrate Moral Convictions

  2. Reflect the Sentiment of the Group

  3. Hold People to a Higher Standard

  4. Back Expereince up with Social Proof

  5. Tell Stories and Anecdotes

  6. Use Metaphors, Similarities and Analogies

  7. Employ the Extremes of Contrast

  8. Use the Power of Three

  9. Ask Rhetorical Questions (and pause)

  10. Assess and Practice Body Language

  11. Use facial expressions to your advantage

  12. Remove Filler Words and Animate Your Voice

Now for my challenge to you the reader: Book your first public speech. 

It doesn’t need to be a huge audience - start small if you need to. Just get one on the calendar.

I honestly believe it will change your life in more ways than one. I know it did mine.

Reply to this email when you have so I can cheer you on!

Mindset - Conviction Through Insatiable Preparation

There’s a reason this phrase has become synonymous with David to Goliath.

It’s our foundation. When the going gets tough doing an insane amount of preparation to the point where most people would think you’re crazy is the one thing you can always rely on.

We use it to write these Newsletters, for my sales calls, for everything.

And with public speaking preparation is your best ally.

Might it come across as a little scripted? Maybe. But better that than forgetting your lines.

Just keep practising until you can look yourself in the mirror and say there is honestly nothing more I can do.

When you walk on stage and that victim's voice starts to scream “You’re going to swallow your words” “You’re not meant to be here” “You look like a fool”. The relentless practice will force it to comply and enable the person you always knew deep down was there to shine through.

Don’t leave it to chance.

Prepare like your life depends on it - Because it does.

Resource Recommendation - Ed Darling

I’ll admit it. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to public speaking.

So I dropped my ego and hired Ed Darling.

A man who went from the most anxious individual you could ever meet, constantly having panic attacks, to throwing himself onto centre stage. Countless public speeches and even professional acting for 12 straight years.

Now he’s started to give back to help others with his company Project Charisma.

I’m not affiliated with Ed (and it’s going to be a pleasant surprise when he reads this!) but all I can say is throughout the 4 practice sessions he changed my life. 

I just think it’s right to shine a light on great people who have big hearts and Ed has both of those in abundance.

If you want to work with him 1-1 or become part of his brand new group training then you can book a call with him via his site here: https://projectcharisma.com/

Outside of that, he publishes some fantastic content on LinkedIn and his weekly Newsletter about confidence and charisma so check him out and let him know Nigel says hi!

David to Goliath Action Items

1) Meet Your People In Person:

The internet has made the world a global marketplace. It’s truly incredible, although, nothing beats face-to-face interactions. A friendly reminder that whatever the cost it will pay dividends long-term for you and your team. Don’t wait because they’ll always be a reason not to.

2) Learn the 12 Tactics of Charisma:

As highlighted above, it’s a myth that charisma is only for people born with it. The truth is that there is a lot to learn and it takes time. But if you practice the 12 tactics one by one you’ll stick out in a sea of blandess and carry these skills into all areas of your life.

3) Book A Public Speech:

Constraint is the greatest driver of innovation. If you want to become more persuasive and have a voice that stands out, book in a speech this year. It will force you to prepare like never before. There’s a reason public speaking is 75% of people’s biggest fear but where fear lies opportunity for those that dare.

4) Rely On Your Preparation:

If you’re new to something like I was to public speaking accept no one but you have to answer for your performance. The only thing you will truly have to rely on in that critical moment is your preparation. So be relentless and build ultimate confidence and conviction through insatiable preparation.

Lastly a huge shout-out to my friend Dan Bell - I couldn’t have done this without you man and having that moment together on stage to celebrate what we’ve done in these last 14 weeks was magical.

To everyone who’s followed David to Goliath so far - thank you. Please share this Newsletter with your friends - we’re going for 50,000 subscribers by the end of Q2 and it’s onwards and upwards from here!

Until then keep Dreaming like a Giant.

But fight and believe in your dreams like a God damn Underdog baby!

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

#1: Want to scale your marketing agency in 2024? Be mentored directly by me, sharing exactly how I scaled my last agency from $5k/mo to $140k/mo in the last 2 years. It’s starting next week and I have 2 spots left Fill Out Your Application Here

#2: Not yet subscribed To David to Goliath? Subscribe Here so you don’t miss out!

#3: Prefer listening instead of reading? Listen to the Audio Version Here

#4: Have you seen my LinkedIn content? Everyday I post stories, frameworks and mindset tips to take you from David to Goliath