Wk9 (10.2k subs): Formal Education is a Scam

Why the system is collapsing and the rise of modern education aka: The Internet

The Comeback - Week 9

Formal Education is a SCAM

Before you bite, hear me out.

I admit there is still a place for formal education. The incredible doctors who save our lives can’t be trained through YouTube videos (shout-out to the real heroes!).

But for the majority getting in $200,000 worth of debt in an economy where inflation is through the roof, and house prices are unattainable, I’m sick and tired of society offering no alternative path.

I know because that was me.

Sitting around the family dinner table whilst everyone compared their grades, compared their fancy universities, and success was judged on your ability to recite information to pass an exam.

I sat back quietly and totally embarrassed that I failed my grades, got rejected by my first choices and to please my mother studied at Anglia Ruskin - which at the time was the 120th University out of 130 in the UK.

Leaving me feeling stupid, thick and ultimately a failure.

Yes, I am extremely grateful for the fact I was born in the UK, raised by 2 loving parents and was taught the key fundamentals of mathematics, English and science. That’s a blessing.

But I also feel a strong responsibility to show others formal education isn’t the only path. And it certainly does not define your ability to create the life you want.

In the last 6 years after quitting the rat race I’ve learned skills that the market actually deems valuable: persuasion, leadership and negotiation.

Enabling me to build 2 marketing agencies with 0 reputation to 7 figures, a personal brand with over 46,000 followers on LinkedIn, and speak on stage in front of hundreds of people.

With a laptop and WI-FI connection, anyone now has access to the best information at the touch of a button which can give them the skillsets to build assets and create true freedom - For FREE.

Whilst universities cling to their ‘prestige’ and schools try to convince the next generation it’s the only path…

Millions and millions are skipping the queue, getting practical advice online from industry experts, and implementing.

That’s the power of the internet.

And whether you like it or not, the migration is happening now - in real time.

Today, I’m going to shine a light on why I believe for the most part formal education is a scam, a terrible exchange of value and how you can use the internet to get ahead - escaping the life of mediocrity.

But first a moment of celebration.

9 weeks in we’ve hit the 10,000 subscriber milestone on the David to Goliath Newsletter!

A huge shout-out and thank you to everyone who has supported this movement so far.

As always, there have been many challenges, many setbacks, and some big breakthroughs.

So here’s what you’ll be getting today on David to Goliath:

  1. Behind The Scenes:

    1. Challenges: Ideal Client Profile

    2. Observations: Online to last forever?

    3. Break-throughs: A Commitment to Proactiveness

    4. Failures: The Headless chicken

    5. New Ideas: Going Viral on IG

  2. Main Topic: Why Formal Education is a Scam

  3. Mindset: Constraint Drives Innovation

  4. Resource Rec: The Dan Koe Newsletter

Before we get started TWO IMPORTANT THINGS:

1) Email Clipping: This email might get clipped so click ‘Read Online’ at the top right of this email or go to the David to Goliath website and you will be able to read it all for free, undisturbed.

2) David to Goliath Podcast: Eruptions of laughter, me going absolutely crazy and Dan talking about his experience as the life of a teacher. If that sounds good listen to the Comeback 9 episode here.

Road to 100,000: Behind the Scenes

Challenges – Ideal Client Profile

In marketing and branding, the Ideal Client Profile (ICP) is the compass guiding us through the sea of potential followers, ensuring our message resonates profoundly. 

Crafting a precise ICP is about understanding the heartbeat of your audience. 

Creating content that feels tailor-made for each subscriber, and fostering a sense of belonging.

What we humans deep down all desire - from our tribal routes. 

Yet, defining this elusive profile at David to Goliath has been a journey through uncharted waters.

In a world that champions ‘riches in the niches’ we've embraced the anti-niche philosophy (coined by the great Dan Koe in this article). 

Rather than fitting into predefined boxes, we advocate for the individuality of each subscriber. 

‘Dream like a giant, fight like an underdog’ has become our mantra.

We embarked on its journey with a message pointing towards entrepreneurs. 

However, as our horizons expanded, so did our understanding. 

For me, the online realm is the canvas on which I've crafted my successes from nothing. 

From relationships to businesses, and the forging of a personal brand, my journey has been entirely digital. 

At the age of 26, I made a pivotal decision to leave my job. Had I chosen to stay, climbing the corporate ladder would have meant waiting two decades to reach the director's position with his six-figure salary. 

Instead, I opted for a different path, leveraging the online realm to accelerate my journey.

In just six years, I cultivated a diverse skill set encompassing sales, persuasion, and team leadership. 


By investing in online courses, forging connections with like-minded individuals, and consistently taking bold, decisive actions. 

What would typically require six years of corporate slog, I condensed into one - every year.

This shapes the narrative we weave into our newsletter, a testament to the boundless possibilities the online world presents.

Defining our ICP has been no easy feat. It's a genuine struggle born from the refusal to confine our audience to a box. 

Our exploration is about authenticity, acknowledging that our readers aren't monolithic. They are individuals with diverse stories, aspirations, and paths.

And that’s our ICP: Those hungering to break free from the shackles of their demons, eager to forge their paths online and rewrite their own destiny.

People brimming with untapped potential, yet burdened by a lifetime of doubt. 

Instilling the essential skillsets and mindsets needed to navigate the intricate system of growth, transforming them from Davids into Goliaths.

The mission is to place the tools for empowerment squarely in their hands. 

Why? Because this was me when I was 26, stuck in a seemingly hopeless situation.

So now, it’s my duty to give back.

And in time this will go through more evolutions - just as everything does.

The only constant on this earth is change.

Is the era of online entrepreneurship bound to last forever? 

This week, I was searching around on Google Trends, a valuable tool that traces keyword searches since 2004. Intrigued, I plugged in "marketing agency”. The results were profound.

Since 2004, the search trend for "marketing agency" has steadily climbed and climbed, reaching unprecedented heights today.

What does this tell us?

This upward trajectory not only indicates sustained interest but also underscores the growing significance of the online world.

The landscape is transforming with a notable decentralization of power, creating opportunities on a scale we’ve never seen before. 

Even if such doors were once closed, they now stand wide open.

Through David to Goliath, my mission is to empower individuals with tangible skills, steering away from the allure of Lamborghini snapshots void of core competencies. 

It's about guiding people towards crafting the life they've longed for, rather than deferring dreams until the distant retirement age of 65.

It’s not just about work; it's about attaining the freedom to choose whether they want to work at all, having built a reservoir of assets.

But the narrative doesn't end there. As our audience cultivates their skills and experiences, the opportunity to reinvest in new endeavours arises. 

To drive this point home further, recently, I came across an enlightening interview featuring Sam Ovens, the visionary behind skool.com. 

He delved into the intricacies of building online businesses and his unwavering commitment to Skool, emphasizing the growing importance of cultivating communities in the digital landscape.

In a world soon to be dominated by AI and robotic efficiency, all we’ll have left is human relationships.

Those at the pinnacle of this new hierarchy are the ones who not only foster relationships but own and nurture communities. 

While social media has played a vital role in connecting us, its capacity for nurturing deep and meaningful relationships is limited. 

The alarming surge in loneliness and suicide rates highlights the consequence of losing these connections.

Consider the motivation behind those 6 am runs I do – it's the camaraderie, the shared journey with my mate Dan. 

As we face a world brimming with challenges, the power of community becomes our driving force.

So as I embark on group mentoring with a small number of agencies to help fund the growth of David to Goliath, my anticipation is not solely about individual transformations. 

But witnessing the collective transformation driven by the strength of community. 

Mike Fata, from last Thursday’s post, after multiple 9-figure exits, reiterated the same message. 

The power is in your people. Your community.

Breakthroughs - A commitment to Proactiveness

In the seventh week, we found ourselves woefully unprepared.

A crucial post featuring Minesh Patel, a close friend, was scheduled for Thursday. I was determined to do justice to his story and our friendship. 

However, the night before, we hadn’t even started. A blank Google doc.

You probably know what comes next, right?. 

The last minute scramble. 

Seven intense hours of writing on Thursday morning, but thankfully, it all came together in the end.

Following this chaotic episode, Dan and I forged a pact for Week 8 – a commitment to get ahead of the game. 

This meant having Tuesday's Comeback post completed by Friday and wrapping up Thursday's Mike Fata post by the weekend's close. 

We set new standards for ourselves.

And I’m glad to say we followed through.

Now this standard serves as the new benchmark moving forward. 

The shift to proactive preparation has not only brought relief but a profound sense of accomplishment. 

From this point onwards, this level of proactiveness becomes our norm.

As we say at David to Goliath: Conviction, through insatiable preparation.

Failures - The Headless Chicken

Despite my dedication, crafting a consistent routine has proven challenging. 

Balancing 50 hours on newsletters, creating my group mentoring community, shifting between calls and podcasts—it's been quite the juggling act. 

I feel like a headless chicken, disoriented and unorganized in the midst of chaos.

Maintaining a disciplined sleep schedule is a hurdle, often leading to a vicious cycle that impacts my mornings. 

The treadmill effect is real - feeling impossible to catch up. 

Mornings, intended for deep work, sometimes turn into a waiting game for responses in Slack as I await feedback from other team members - further distracting me.

Compounding this, I find myself living with my parents due to visa issues - and of course, the need for a support system as I rebuild my life.

While I'm truly grateful for their support, the need for independence is pushing me to consider moving into an apartment in Manchester City Center. 

Having total control over my environment is crucial for productivity.

Living in my parents' house comes with its challenges. The environment inadvertently restricts my freedom, causing me to retreat into my old shell.

Maybe you can relate?

Especially when I’m in the other room on podcasts talking about suicide.

Despite these hurdles, the determination to push through and meet the demands remains unwavering. I’m all-in.

It's a phase of transition, both in terms of routine and living arrangements, as I strive to create a workspace and lifestyle that aligns with my goals.

I'm on a quest for greater openness and creativity within myself. I crave the freedom to immerse myself in work without the constant reminders to take breaks. 

I've mapped out my path, and I'm resolute—there's no room for negotiation here.

It may not be the healthiest approach, but when the goal is to hit 100k subscribers in a single calendar year, I acknowledge that unconventional measures are necessary.

It's about living a life marked by relentless creation and building something extraordinary that gives people an experience they’ll never forget. 

As I ponder the prospect of taking on more rent for a new space, I can't help but imagine the older version of Nigel, rocking back in his chair, looking through my journals in Evernote. 

What would he say? 

A resounding, "Fucking go for it man! – Take the risk – Do it!" 

For me it's about crafting an epic narrative, engaging in the kind of crazy adventures that make life unforgettable.

The heroes of our own journey aren't those who shy away from struggles; they're the ones who embrace risks and dare to be great. 

It's a call to live the heroes' journey—a message from the future urging us to be bold. 

As Winston Churchill aptly put it, there's no room for ease and comfort; it's the time to dare and endure.

My kryptonite: Youtube.

Recognizing my triggers has been a crucial revelation, with YouTube being a notable one. 

Although I appreciate the platform, prolonged sessions leave me feeling drained and unproductive. 

Identifying these triggers is essential; it's about knowing yourself and being honest about what holds you back.

In this journey, journaling has emerged as a powerful ally—what I now call: “the mirror of truth”. 

It doesn't allow me to sidestep uncomfortable conversations anymore. 

It's a deliberate act, applying pressure on myself—a crucial element in the rewiring of my identity.

Most people shy away from these hard conversations with themselves and escape through weekend revelry, masking the turmoil within. 

They live unhappily, their relationships break down, and they only confront their realities when it's all but too late. 

It's the persistent thoughts we push down, hoping they'll disappear.

Newsflash: They won’t.

As the universe persistently beams them at you, there comes a moment when avoidance is no longer an option.

This is not an easy game; it's a continuous one where victory today does not guarantee success tomorrow. 

I have to confront and battle my demons daily.

It’s continuous. It’s hard.

But it’s so god damn worth it.

And I hope you join me and confront yours.

Remember: It’s strength in numbers.

We will win this fight.

We have to keep moving.

Future ideas

“Get ready, because I'm about to go viral, baby!” I shouted to Dan this week’s David to Goliath podcast.

Exciting news though - I've now got Charlie Lawrence and his expert team, Gecko, on board. 

Brace yourself for a content extravaganza—from podcasts to reels, we're handing it all to his team for testing. 

90 videos in 90 days. We're on a mission to find what resonates with the audience and scale it up.

If you haven't jumped on the train already, follow me at nigelthomasdtg and let’s takeover IG!

While we've had the talented Jesrey on board (a freelancer from the Philippines), we're now levelling up with a professional team—experts who do this for big creators day in and day out.

A strategic play to boost awareness - get more missionaries involved on the David to Goliath journey. 

These platforms are a trust-building and authority-establishing arena—the flywheel in action. 

All roads lead to the newsletter, where the real magic happens. 

Get ready for the ride!

Main Topic: Formal Education is a Scam

My days in a grammar school in the UK were a wake-up call to the suffocating lack of freedom. 

The system, rigid and soul-crushing, squeezes the individuality out of us one drop at a time. 

It’s supposedly meant to enlighten, but in reality it’s nothing more than a conveyor belt funnelling us toward university, slamming shut alternative doors. 

We're forced into a one-size-fits-all mould, our unique strengths and passions disregarded like inconveniences.

And let's talk about the puppeteering of teachers in this twisted show.

They're entangled in the web of performance evaluations, clawing their way up the scale by sacrificing genuine education for the sake of chasing exam results. 

Critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills—the very lifeblood of the real world—forgotten casualties in this mind-numbing game.

It's like a factory line churning out identical products, devoid of the diversity that makes us human.

And the archaic grading system – a primitive method that reduces the richness of human intellect to a soulless number. 

Traditional education loves to slap a grade on your forehead as if it's a tattoo of your worth. Success is measured by the ability to regurgitate information, not by the capacity to apply knowledge in the real world.

Intelligence, creativity, and potential can't be distilled into an A or a C - nor a 45 page IQ test.

In my school days, success had a one-track definition—march down the university path or be branded a failure. 

Teachers wielded shame like a weapon, pointing fingers and making examples of those who dared to deviate. 

Academic success was the sole currency of value in their marketplace.

Churning out obedient robots, not free-thinking individuals.

The so-called 'experts' often preach from a perch of outdated theories, disconnected from the pulse of reality.

The world doesn't care how well you can recite a stupid Shakespeare sonnet if you can't navigate a basic spreadsheet.

But perhaps the biggest sin of all - the formal education system fails to address the glaring inequalities ingrained within its structure. 

It perpetuates social divisions, favouring those with privilege and leaving others to languish in a cycle of disadvantage.

Let’s face the truth together: real value can't be crammed into exam scores or confined within university walls. 

And then the fallacy that degrees open doors. 

In the real world, those doors might creak open, but it's your grit, determination, and skills that kick them wide. 

Consider the mountain of student debt that often accompanies the pursuit of a degree. 

We shove young minds into the jaws of financial burden, chaining them to a system that promises opportunities but delivers a hefty invoice instead. 

Crippling their dreams before they can ever spread their wings.

Let's also not forget the sea of graduates flooding the market, all armed with the same credentials. 

The over-saturation devalues the very degrees that were meant to distinguish individuals. 

It's a cruel irony: the pursuit of higher education, intended to open doors, leads to a crowded hallway of competition.

Simple supply and demand economics - working against you.

The job market is a relentless beast, and that fancy degree doesn't come with a magic shield protecting you from layoffs, industry shifts, or the ever-looming threat of automation.

You come to realize no one actually cares about you. Especially not the huge corporations that lured you in with that fancy graduate career path.

The real world demands more than a framed piece of paper; it craves practical skills, adaptability, and a dash of street smarts.

Pressure to conform stifles entrepreneurship, innovation, and unconventional pursuits that could lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.

Entrepreneurship is the wild, untamed jungle of opportunity.

I for one bloody love it.

A chance to re-create yourself - write your own playbook.

The real-world skills honed – from problem-solving to resilience – are the survival tools in this jungle. 

Meanwhile, the degree-wielding job seeker is often left wandering, clutching a diploma that feels more like a consolation prize than a ticket to prosperity.

Sure, some professions may offer a steady income, but they often come at the cost of creative freedom and personal fulfilment. 

And don't get me started on the fallacy of networking through academia. 

Traditional education paints a rosy picture of rubbing shoulders with the elite in ivory towers, but let's call it what it is – a glorified cocktail party (and yes, I was definitely in that 40% bracket of students that get alcohol poisoning in the ‘glory years’).

It’s a complete myth that university is the only way to forge connections and communication skills – I call it BS!

Community is essential, but the outdated notion that it requires sacrificing your financial future is absurd.

There is a new path.

The internet era has arrived, and there's someone in a basement right now learning sales on YouTube, taking action while others blindly chase degrees that lead to nowhere.

Degrees might teach you theories, but entrepreneurship throws you into the battlefield of practical application. It's the difference between learning to swim from a textbook and diving into the deep end.

While the post-university workforce waits for someone to hand them a paycheck, the entrepreneur is out there, forging his/her own path, risking failure for the chance at something extraordinary.

Yes, you wouldn't want a brain surgeon who learned the tricks of the trade on Udemy (god, imagine that). We're talking about brains, after all – precision matters. 

But when it comes to business studies, the scenario is vastly different. We're not here to dissect human bodies. 

Traditional business studies parade professors who've never run businesses themselves. 

The disconnect is glaring – they're peddling theories that crumble when faced with the gritty reality of hustling to sell a product.

All that crap they feed you in business school becomes useless when you're in the trenches, broke, and desperately trying to convince sceptical business owners to part with their hard-earned cash.

I know, because I was faced with this exact situation myself.

The people who actually helped me were other entrepreneurs who actually did the thing - and I didn’t give two hoots if they studied at Harvard or Cambridge.

I judge people by their real word experiences and actions, not their certificates.

Connecting with other entrepreneurs who've tasted failure, who've been through the school of hard knocks. These are the mentors who skipped the traditional academic conveyor belt and jumped straight into the fray. 

Learning from their experiences, implementing their advice, and taking relentless action is the real education that matters.

But, guess what? Traditional education doesn't bother with teaching mindset. You can't dissect it in a lab or measure it on a standardized test, so it's conveniently swept under the rug.

Probably part of the reason Scranton University found from a large study 92% of people never reach their goals in life.

Mindset is something you cultivate through the raw experiences of life.

And the internet is the best way for most to break free.

A vast library of knowledge at your fingertips. 

Instead of drowning in student loans, you could be immersing yourself in podcasts like Lex Fridman's, where a single hour with Jeff Bezos yields more wisdom than five years of formal education (at least it did for me). 

Whether you like it or not, the shift is happening.

A migration towards valuable skillsets that truly matter in the real world:

  • Sales 

  • Leadership

  • Negotiation 

  • Coding 

  • Marketing 

  • Storytelling 

  • Writing 

Education should be a tool for empowerment, not a mechanism that perpetuates conformity and restricts individual growth.

Entrepreneurship is the untethered pursuit of passion and innovation. 

It's the freedom to build something from scratch, even if it means weathering the storm of uncertainty.

Entrepreneurship doesn't wait for doors to open; it builds its own doors.

It's time to snap the chains of a limiting mindset and redefine success on our own terms.

Rant over. You still with me?

Good, let’s dive into mindset - and this further drives the point home of why entrepreneurship is the best way to leave our world in a better place than we found it.

The answers are found within constraint.

Mindset - Constraint Drives Innovation

Another myth I’ll break today: Constraint is a hindrance.

Here’s how it's, in fact, the biggest driver of innovation.

Take the story of my good friend Minesh.

Faced with the proposition of rubbing chemicals on his 3-year-old daughter to cure her eczema, Minesh refused to accept the standard prescription. 

Instead, he embraced the constraint as a challenge to innovate, to create something better for his precious child.

He ventured into his kitchen armed with pots and pans, determined to concoct a remedy. 

Picture the chaos – gold liquid oozing everywhere! 

But within that chaos, they cracked the code.

A smiling princess and a solution that now benefits tens of thousands of American families.

The lesson is crystal clear – constraints are fuel for innovation. They force us to think outside the box, to question established norms, and to forge new paths. 

As for David to Goliath, we’re navigating the treacherous path from 0 to 100k subscribers in one calendar year - starting in the depths of hell where I nearly took my own life. 

Organic growth alone won't cut it. The battle plan needs cash, and it needs it fast (yeah, it rhymes). 

The question echoes – how to hit that elusive 100k mark? 

Sponsorships, masterminds? 

Sure, they might come into play, but not until the later quarters of 2024. The urgency is now; the demand for resources is immediate.

Here's where my brain kicked into overdrive. The realization hit – building agencies is a skill in my arsenal. 

People in the agency space need help, and they need it now. 

One-to-one mentoring is a powerful tool, but time is the enemy. It’s not scalable.

The solution? 

As mentioned before: Build a community, inject it with exceptional value, and set the stage for collective growth.

But let's not sugarcoat it – the stakes are high. The roadmap is set, and the path is clear, but the oxygen that we business owners breathe and need is ice cold cash. 

If I stayed in my role as CEO of Alpha Inbound, this urgency might not have kicked in. 

But now, with no room for complacency; my mind is forced to innovate, to hustle, to execute like never before.

This is the unfiltered reality of entrepreneurship. Facing the relentless ticking of the clock, navigating the challenges, and coming up with solutions when the walls are closing in. 

The brain, under the constraint of necessity, becomes a powerhouse of creativity.

Entrepreneurship, you see, isn't for the faint of heart. It's a commitment to the unknown, a relentless pursuit that demands you go all in. 

And why endure this agony? 

Because these solutions, those innovations, when extrapolated across millions of people, lead to huge breakthroughs, solving massive problems and ultimately leave the world in a better place than we found it.

It's not about tiptoeing around the edges; it's about embracing the agony, allowing it to forge weird and whacky solutions right in front of your eyes. 

So, as you charge forward in this uphill climb, remember this: It's not just a struggle; it's the birthplace of innovation.

Now, let's silence the skeptics who suggest, "Why not just get a job?" 

No, no! 

Entrepreneurship is a declaration.

It’s a way of life. 

It's the audacious decision to uncover the extraordinary within. 

When you're pushed to the edge, you realize how intelligent, how resourceful you truly are.

Here’s to embracing the agony today for a brighter tomorrow!

Embracing constraint that drives ground breaking innovation.

And will allow you to create the life you’ve always wanted.

Resource Rec – Dan Koe Newsletter

This resource recommendation is an invitation to witness the art of a strategic content creator who lives his life in the Arena.

Dan Koe offers a masterclass in leveraging content across multiple platforms and living authentically. 

He has a flywheel that spins his newsletter into a multimedia powerhouse. 

From YouTube readings to Instagram snippets, Twitter quotes, and LinkedIn insights – he's everywhere. 

A staggering audience of 160,000 on the newsletter blooms into 500,000 on YouTube, 2 million on Instagram, and 500,000 on Twitter. 

Authenticity is his secret sauce. He lives the life he speaks about, putting himself in constraint to extract genuine wisdom. 

His advice isn't a regurgitation of Twitter scrolls; it's the result of deep dives into books, real-life experiences, and the kind of action that breeds unique perspectives. 

He’s a doer, implementing advice, developing his own frameworks, and sharing them in his newsletter.

In a digital era drowning in surface-level interactions, Dan doesn't play the game of fleeting attention. 

He doesn't succumb to the allure of viral snippets or clickbait. 

He opts for depth over superficial impressions, crafting long-form pieces that demand intellectual engagement. 

While others vie for 20 seconds of attention, he secures his readers for 20 minutes at a time. 

And that's why he's winning.

In 3 short years he’s now doing $800k a month with 90% profit margins.

And no, he didn’t learn this in a classroom. He learned online and by taking raw relentless action.

Consistency is his trademark. The black and white aesthetic, the familiar branding – it's a trust-building symphony. Not by accident. By design.

And he’s now taking it a step further.

A leaf from the playbook of James Clear, Hormozi and other creators pushing the narrative – writing a book, "The Art of Focus."

Whilst everyone else fights for 30 seconds of attention on a LinkedIn post, he has the audience gripped for 5 hours straight.

Just imagine the impact that has on someone long-term.

This isn't just a shout-out; it's a declaration of what's possible in a few short years. 

Dan is a beacon of inspiration, showing us the power of consistency, authenticity, and leveraging content across platforms.

Get lost in his long-form Newsletter, take notes, and implement!

Remember - if you read and don’t change your behaviour, you’re essentially just mentally masturbating.

And at David to Goliath that’s a standard we do not accept.

David to Goliath Action Items:

1) Identify Your Triggers: For me, Youtube is my kryptonite and disrupts my progress. What is it for you? What is pulling you down? Figure it out, write it down and become aware of it. Then design an environment using the lessons from James Clear in Atomic Habits that allows you to mitigate those triggers.

2) Confront The Mirror of Truth: Whether it’s journaling or talking to yourself alone, get comfortable with those uncomfortable conversations. Let truth be your mirror and get honest about what you actually want in life and what’s holding you back. You can’t build the life you want if you’re not aware of what it is you truly desire in the first place.

3) Get Educated Online: Unlike formal education which plunges you into decades of debt, the internet is a free resource that empowers the free mind. Find your mentors (creators), put time aside to study them and then take action! Build skillsets such as persuasion, leadership and negotiation that the market deems valuable - and allow you to command higher prices.

4) Turn up The Pressure: Don’t be scared to back yourself in a corner - especially if the walls feel like they’re closing in around you. This is where your brain will come up with magic solutions. Let constraint drive you forward to breakthrough your biggest barriers.

5) Observe Dan Koe: Dan is a true testament to how anyone can break free from conformity online and build the life of their dreams. Study his content, study his strategy and 3 years from now you could be in a similar position - if you put in the work. Remember, learning without changing your behaviour is just mental masturbation - don’t negotiate your potential!

That’s all for today.

How can we make these Newsletters better?

Please take 30 seconds to reach out to me on LinkedIn or respond to this email and let me know!

For this Thursday’s Newsletter, we were meant to have an interview with a huge brand although unfortunately, they cancelled last minute.

So, in the name of David to Goliath and constraint, we got creative…

We thought what better underdog story to share than one of the greatest football (soccer for my American friends) managers ever to step foot in the arena?

That’s right, this Thursday we’re uncovering the insane rise of the ‘Special One’, Jose Mourinho.

Hated, adored, but never ignored.

Get ready because this is going to be epic!

Until then keep dreaming like a Giant.

But fight and believe in your dreams like a God Damn underdog baby!

Yours truly,

-Nigel Thomas

P.S. Ready to escape the life of mediocrity?

Here are 5 resources to get you ahead: