- David to Goliath by Nigel Thomas
- Posts
- Wk7 (7.2k subs): Why I’m cutting off my leg
Wk7 (7.2k subs): Why I’m cutting off my leg
The Painful But Empowering Act of Letting Go

The Comeback - Week 7
Today on David to Goliath:
Living In the Soul
New Ideas: Cashflow
Breakthroughs: Auditing
Newsletter Growth
Main Topic: How to Build Partnerships
Mindset: Cutting off Your Leg
Podcast Recommendation
Before we get started, if you want to hear a massively inappropriate story that I can’t share here (still can’t believe I revealed this) listen to this week’s podcast here. Be warned though, it’s not for the faint-hearted!
Right, now for the Newsletter. We’re diving straight in at the deep end today.
Here’s something I wrote that sums up where I’m at in life right now:
Been betrayed? Got doubters?
Good. This ones for you:
Last year the person I loved most betrayed me and I nearly took my own life.
Now they’re happy with someone else.
They win now.
My victory comes later.
Look: I’m deeply hurt. Filled with raw emotions, heart wrenching pain and crippling insecurity.
But I’ve made the decision my feelings don’t control me.
They will not define my destiny.
That’s the voice of the victim.
There’s another voice: The voice of the champion.
Every day when I get out on the road at 6AM in the morning to run a 5k.
Every day when I set my timer and grind through my action items.
Every day when I get down and do my push ups.
It’s a case study - proof that the champion within me exists.
So let them be happy. Let them keep spinning their lies.
Long-term the universe will arc to the truth.
For now, keep empowering the champion and take the undeniable route.
Forcing your dreams into reality with a disgusting work ethic and being so god damn good you cannot be ignored.
Shrinking the victim, all the doubters and betrayers into irrelevance.
Road to 100,000: Behind the Scenes
Living In The Soul:
That paragraph above describes what I’ve going through since my friend Dan (who helps build these Newsletters) has been in Barcelona. It’s been a lot.
Venturing deep into the self - living in the soul.
Pages upon pages of raw thoughts spilt onto paper.
The journal has become my therapy, a journey I've chosen to navigate on my own.
I've delved into the pain, working ridiculously hard to find answers and, surprisingly, enjoying the process. Finally facing the truth.
When my pen hits paper (or keyboard hits Evernote), I'm injecting my personality into every word, and it’s igniting an unparalleled strength within me. Here’s a sneak peak:
The realisation is, I've clocked 32 years on this earth.
Most of those drenched in disappointment. Pandering to others - desperately pleading for external validation and trying to fit in.
But I don’t want to die unhappy. Knowing I was capable of so much more.
I'm diving deeper into my thoughts, listening to that inner champion that pushes me to go the extra mile.
The David to Goliath movement is a vehicle for me to express my true unfiltered self. With the hope others (you) join me on the climb.
This is what makes this Newsletter different - It’s a real story I’m writing in real time. Holding nothing back.
The next chapter of my life is a blank canvas where I unleash my courage, resilience, and inner demons. Scary but exciting.
Last week, I shared my strong opinion that taking part is B.S. and winning is everything.
I firmly believe that although it has it’s consequences.
I've made sacrifices, especially in relationships.
But let me tell you: I've come a long way – from contemplating jumping off that balcony in Austin to embarking on an undeniable path to 100K subscribers by the end of 2024.
After starring Death in the face, I've reached a point where I simply don't care about outside opinions anymore.
This new chain around my neck? It's a symbol for the contract I’ve made within.
A reminder to live true to myself.
I’m listening to that voice of the champion that tells me:
“You did 6 hours work did you?”
“You think that impresses me?”
Constantly telling me to never ever settle for trying your best.
Instead: Doing what’s required.
Day after day it gets stronger and stronger.
And the harder I work, the harder I dig, the better the content becomes.
Finally, I’m able to get my raw naked personality out on paper.
It just hits different when it’s coming from the soul.
If you know, you know.
New Ideas: Cashflow
Right now, there's no active cash flow for David to Goliath.
If you’ve quit a job to pursue your dreams, the unknown, the rollercoaster life of an entrepreneur, you’ll know this feeling.
There’s an itch, a subtle fear at the back of my mind.
I'm not focused on the present. I'm focused on the future – on where I'm taking this thing.
I’m going to do everything it takes to grow David to Goliath to 100k subscribers in one calendar year.
It’s going to take a lot of money being pumped into paid ads.
For this to work, obviously revenue streams need to be in place.
The ability to position ourselves as experts opens doors not just for personal growth but for creating a valuable asset others are willing to pay for.
So after weighing up every option in my mind and where I can provide the most value, I've decided to dive into group mentoring.
Focusing on helping agency owners currently in the $10-50k a month range and give them a road map to $100k/mo (from someone who actually did it).
It will be 90 days of intense training, guest speakers and a tight knit community of 15 agency owners, carefully curated and vetted by me personally.
At first this made feel extremely uncomfortable.
I would hate nothing more than becoming one of those fake course guru guys taking short-term cash but burning my long-term reputation and respect.
Just not how I operate. I genuinely care.
Although I’ve come to the realization that people are willing to invest in the knowledge that saves them time and helps them avoid pitfalls. It's one of the biggest hacks in life.
I know because I do this myself.
I'm not jumping into the course game for a personal wealth parade.
The lambos can wait.
I'm here to dish out value to a tight-knit community, and every single penny is going into the growth of David to Goliath.
It’s about the long game, the brand, the movement.
It also means I can document more on the way – I can share with you how to build up cash flow and how to reinvest and grow your business faster with paid advertising and organic traffic.
It starts in April so I have 7 weeks to prepare and find these people.
Game on.
And if you are an agency owner looking for a personal guide to reach $100k/mo either respond to this email with the word ‘mentoring’ or DM me on LinkedIn and let’s chat.
Breakthroughs - Auditing
I want to share a ritual that’s been helping me tremendously.
On Sunday, I dig deep into what I achieved over the past week, reflect and then plan the next week.
To ensure the days can be spent just taking action in line with my quarterly and monthly goals.
Abraham Lincoln once said: “If I had 6 hours to chop a tree I’d spend the first 4 hours sharpening my axe”.
So here’s my 6-step audit process to make sure your axe stays sharp:

Step 1: Quarterly Goals
At the start of each quarter I set new goals. I find 90 days is long enough to move big projects forward but short enough that it keeps you focused without being too overwhelmed.
Step 2: Monthly Goals
Reverse engineering to make sure my quarterly goals are hit, I plan out which parts I can action this month - in order of priority.
Step 3: Weekly Goals
I repeat the same process for each and every week - again to chunk things down more and allow me to focus on the few steps ahead - knowing I’m walking in the right direction.
Step 4: Plan Tomorrow Today
Before I allow myself to sleep I have made it a standard to always plan tomorrow today. This is incredibly powerful for not only making the most out of your days but it also allows your brain to solve problems whilst you sleep. Then in the morning when you wake, you’re completely focused and prepared for action.
Step 5: Weekly Audit
Every Sunday I put a few hours aside to review:
What I achieved
What I did not achieve
What my takeaways were
What I need to adjust for next week
Step 6: Plan Next Week
I then go back to step 3 with my new learnings and plan my next week, ensuring I also review my monthly goals to ensure the action items are getting done. Then it’s rinse and repeat.
I can’t put into words how much this is helping me.
It gives you:
Hyper awareness
Extreme focus
Ultimate conviction
And overall just that feeling of accomplishment - that you’re in control of your destiny.
Rewiring your brain, becoming your new identity and building the life you've always dreamt.
It’s not going to be easy.
But I’m saying don’t settle for trying your best.
Use the 6 step audit approach, hold yourself accountable and do what’s required.
Let obsession be your greatest ally.
Newsletter Growth
Now for the flywheel we’re building to grow the Newsletter at David to Goliath (a flywheel is how all channels connect to build momentum faster).

7,200 subscribers
1) My personal LinkedIn:
I’ve grown this to 45,000 followers, and it serves as the epicentre of my audience, where daily, organic content is crafted to guide my audience down a funnel towards the newsletter.
2) Podcast Appearances:
I've often shared the importance of laying the foundation, and that's precisely what I’m doing by appearing on podcasts. This will take time to compound. I’m getting on about 10 a month.
3) Guest Reposts:
Our Thursday Newsletters are more than interviews with industry leaders, they’re building blocks of authority. Every guest becomes a collaborator in our ascent, reposting our content to their vast audiences.
As the saying goes, Authority isn't given; it's earned.
4) Reddit:
Now something that hasn’t gone quite as planned. Prince, our Kenyan emissary, valiantly posts on our behalf. Yet, Reddit is fraught with moderators who discern promotion with a hawk's eye.
On his posts, he says he’s been inspired by our newsletter (organically), but they still remove it straight away. We’ve done about 24 Reddit posts, and half of them have been taken down.
A big part of the learning curve is knowing when to pull the plug on certain things. This is why we’ve got to keep testing.
5) Paid Advertising
I’m testing webinar and various other lead magnets to bring people in through Meta ads. I’ll probably add an info product at some point to build the customer acquisition machine.
6) New tests:
We’ll also expanding into the realms of Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and SEO - but there are only so many hours in the day and focus is important.
Partnerships will help and that’s todays main topic.
Main Topic – How to Build Partnerships
In nature, partnerships are evident everywhere. Birds and flowers, bees and blossoms – each species relies on the other for mutual benefit.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
More on that in why I think Solopreneurship is B.S. on last weeks comeback addition.
Let’s first look at this on a grand scale, with the partnership between Nike and Apple.

Nike brought its expertise in design, performance, and athlete-driven insights to the table.
Apple contributed its cutting-edge technology and seamless user interfaces.
This partnership birthed the iconic Nike+ platform in 2006. A wearable ecosystem that seamlessly integrates with Nike's performance-focused products.
A partnership that has continued to evolve, and has transformed the way individuals approach fitness and training forever.
This is what can happen when two giants align with a shared vision.
But you can achieve a strong partnership at any level.
Networking is an art, but mastering it can open doors you never knew existed.
If I were to start again, I’d focus directly on partnerships from day one.
A pivotal moment in reshaping my perspective came through a conversation with Drew Green, the CEO of Indochino.
His career includes the remarkable feat of turning down a CEO position at one of Amazon's divisions, where he was presented with a blank cheque.
He instead took the reins at Indochina and orchestrated a turnaround that propelled them from near bankruptcy to over 9 figures in revenue within 6-8 years.
He’s a colossus and I had the pleasure of interviewing him on my old podcast (hopefully I can get him on David to Goliath!).
He told me: “The bedrock of success lies in relationships – firstly with your people, followed closely by your company, and then, crucially, your partners”.
He exemplified this philosophy with a compelling story about a decade-long relationship with an investor in China.
When the time came to leverage that connection, Drew picked up the phone and sought investment.
The result? $60 million infused into the venture. From one single relationship.
When I finally got started on LinkedIn, I avidly built connections with people.
Some may have faded away, but those that endured have blossomed into formidable partnerships.
Back then we all had 1,000 - 5,000 followers. Now we have 45,000 - 50,000.
We’re still helping each other – and we all know more people now.
Beyond this, partnerships are the lifeblood that brings fresh ideas, creativity, and diverse perspectives to your repertoire.
If you’re looking to build your own partnerships, here’s the strategy I’ve found that works best:
1) Build a List
It’s simple: Just build out a list of 100 people today that you think long-term could help you in one of these 4 areas: Media exposure, investment, technology advancement, or hiring better talent.
2) Do Your Research
Study them inside out through their content. Be curious, ask them questions, understand their goals and biggest pain points
3) Offer Continuous Help
Reach out, offering ideas and introducing them to people who could help achieve their goals faster.
4) Expect Nothing In Return
Set the expectation that you will get literally NOTHING in return. But just be that one person who keeps helping anyway. Not everyone will reciprocate but for the ones that do, they’ll open doors you could have never imagined.
Remember: Noone cares about how much you know.
Until they know how much you care.
So start building partnerships today.
Start by caring the most.
A Recent David to Goliath Partnership
Wrapping this all together with a real life example of what’s possible I recently got on a call with a guy called Charlie - he owns 2 agencies.
An e-commerce agency aiming for the 100k/mo milestone.
But he also has a talent agency, helping people grow on TikTok and Instagram.
Me and Charlie have gone back and forth for a couple of years now. I’ve offered him ideas and he’s offered me them back.
Now we’ve built a relationship and I could see a win-win for both parties.
I offered to fuel the growth of Charlie's Ecom agency, while seeking his expertise to elevate my presence on Instagram and TikTok – a simple yet potent exchange of value.
A service that otherwise I’d have to pay 10s of thousands for.
This is what’s possible if you build partnerships with the right people, years in advance.
If you wait until you desperately need a network, you're already behind.
In the words of Margaret Mead:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Remember, alone, we may move swiftly, but together, we can move mountains.
So stop, listen, and care.
Build your tribe.
Build your partnerships.
Mindset – Cutting Off Your Leg:
What is it that holds you back? What chains silence your champion within? What shackles weigh down your ambitions?
It is that part of yourself that whispers words of doubt, that sows seeds of fear, that convinces you of your limitations.
It is the voice that tells you "you can't" when you know you can.
I label it the voice of the victim.
When I was deep into journaling this week I came across a video that sent shockwaves down my spine.
It’s short, it’s simple. It’s the wisdom that lies in the simple act of letting go.
Tom Hardy, the renowned British actor, shared an intimate moment from his life.
During his preparation for the role of Charles Bronson, one of the most notorious prisoners in the UK, he found himself in the midst of a turbulent personal storm – a painful breakup that left him grappling with the depths of his emotions.
I could definitely relate since I’m going through the same.
Bronson himself reached out to Hardy.
"Do you remember the floods? Where that little boy got his leg stuck? And the flood kept rising and rising, then the boy drowned? That wouldn’t have happened to me - you wanna know why?”
“Why Bronson? Tell me.”
“Because I’d have said CUT IT OFF. NOW.”
“Sometimes in life Tom you’ve gotta cut off a little piece of you off, no matter how much it hurts, in order to let yourself grow."
Damn, that hit hard.
I was welling up because I knew what I had to do.
Look, we all carry baggage, burdens, and limitations.
Obstacles that seem insurmountable in the present.
But these are the moments we must sever ties with the parts of ourselves that no longer serve us.
Whether that’s a deep romantic relationship, the loss of a loved one or a friend.
Right now, I find myself at a crossroads, facing the difficult truth that this woman is gone forever.

There's a part of me that yearns for the past, for how things were, that she will call me and tell me: “Nigel, everything is going to be OK”.
My brain is constantly playing tricks with me.
But deep down, I know it's time to let go.
I've spent too long living in the middle, hesitating to commit fully to anything.
Excuse my french but it's fu**ing draining.
It's time to make a choice – to be all in or to throw in the towel. Facing the flood, and confronting the monster head-on - chopping off it’s leg.
To become a champion of your own life, you must confront the pain. There's no avoiding it, but there is a choice in how you respond.
You have the power.
You can let the emotions drown you, or you can rise above them. They don’t control you.
Think about the person you want to become, the goals you want to achieve, and the life you want to lead.
Now picture that version of yourself standing tall, unburdened by the limitations of the past.
That's the person waiting on the other side.
The champion that rises from the shadows.
It's about shedding the old to make way for the new, even if it’s excruciatingly painful.
You need to do it.
Cut off what's holding you back. It might even be a small thing as simple as a defeating mindset, a habit, or it might be big like a life-changing relationship.
The pain is ephemeral, but the growth is eternal.
Severing is not an act of self-destruction; it's an act of self-creation.
The world is waiting for the brilliance that resides within you.
Seize it.
Cut it off.
And ignite the champion within.

Resource Recommendation – Alex Hormozi Podcast – The Game

I'm about to share a resource that has been a personal lifeline for me in this time of pain – The Alex Hormozi Podcast, titled 'The Game.'
Here are the reasons I resonate with Hormozi:
1. His unyielding curiosity
He fearlessly delves into how our world operates, asking the tough questions that most shy away from. From deciphering the true meaning behind words like "love" to constructing businesses based on personal principles, he embodies the essence of a relentless and inquisitive mind.
2. His brutal honesty and advocation of obsession:
He doesn't beat around the bush – he delivers the hard truth with brutal honesty. His straightforward approach gives you the green light to be obsessive about your goals. For someone like me, who thrives on intensity and commitment, hearing that it's okay to go all in and be disliked by many, but love yourself, is incredibly empowering.
3. Long term thinking:
The transformation of Hormozi’s mindset is inspiring. While he was initially all about sales, he's evolved to understand the paramount importance of long-term thinking and branding in the business world. It's a reminder that growth requires adaptability, and success isn't confined to a single formula.
4. Bite-sized Wisdom for Your Commute:
The beauty of The Game lies in its bite-sized episodes. Perfect for your morning commute or a quick walk, each nugget of wisdom is easily digestible. Time is precious, and Alex respects that by delivering impactful content without overwhelming your schedule (maybe I’ll take a leaf out his book for the David to Goliath podcast!).
Remember, active listening is the key. Don't just consume the podcast; immerse yourself in it.
Let it seep into your consciousness and, most importantly, translate it into action.
Hormozi doesn't just talk the talk; he walks the walk, and that's where the real magic happens. It stands out because it comes through a lens of real world experience.
A fantastic lesson for all aspiring creators.
Let the insights from The Game Podcast shape your behaviour as it is mine.
Embrace the obsession, act on your newfound knowledge, and witness the transformation it brings to your life.
Today In Summary:
1) Live In The Soul: At the end of it all the real thing us entrepreners are searching for isn’t the awards, not the titles, nor the mansion. It’s the ability to think free. Living within our souls. Get honest with who you are and let your raw naked personality shine bright.
2) Audit Your Time: Use the 6-step audit process to turn chaos into control. Allow yourself to focus on what matters, knowing you’re walking in the right direction to your goals.
3) Build Your Flywheel: All the biggest brands have flywheels actively spinning and there’s a reason for that. Familiarity cross-channels increases touch points and trust.
4) Focus On Partnerships: It’s certainly not a get rich quick tactic but if you lead with care and help others that have access to what you want, in time it will become your biggest competitive advantage. Remember all it takes is one relationship to unlock all the doors.
5) Cut Off Your Leg: No matter how painful it is or how much it hurts, in order to grow you have to let go. The faster you reach acceptance and power the champion within, the faster you will untangle yourself of the chains holding you down.
That’s all for this weeks comeback edition (hello to you if you made it until the end!).
Up this Thursday an interview with a close friend - Minesh Patel who when they told him to put steroids on his 3 year old daughter he said no. Built a natural skincare product in his kitchen and is now changing the world.
It’s going to be emotional…See you then!
Yours truly,
-Nigel Thomas
P.S. Ready to become a champion?
Here are 4 resources to help you get ahead: